Chapter 4

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Nagisa's POV

My life sucks, period. I've been stuck on a plane for almost eight hours and was just seeing land now. I looked down at my necklace and smiled. ' My one true love has the other half. I know is worried about me too.'

" Will be landing in New York in a second, Nagisa. I want to give you heads that a car will be waiting for you to drive." My father told me and smiled before turning around again.

Here we go, my new life coming into play. 'Welcome to New York' rang in my head. Once my feet touched the ground off one of my father's private jets, there were two cars waiting for us. One was a red IS F and the other was jet black 650i Coupe.

My father pointed at the jet-black car and walked me to the car. " This is one of two cars we bought you. The other two are a grey M6 convertible and Ferrari F430, both cars have high quality in them." He handed me the keys and my new license before I got into the car. " We put a navigator in the cars for you and press home. Hope you like the place we picked out for you." I got into the car and started it up. I rolled down my window and at looked back at my dad. " I'm sorry about this mess but I want a fresh start for you. Your mother and I have to fly to the west coast for a couple of weeks. So we left your college stuff and a couple of other gifts at your house." He kissed my check and smiled before backing away. " Bye, Nagisa."

Once he done saying goodbye, I pressed home on the navigator and headed to my new place. I drove by the NYU campus and guessed I was going there. The car took me to a luxury apartment place, which look made for famous people. I parked my car next to my other car in the parking lot and headed into the lobby.

" Umm... excuse me?" I asked in my English accent.

The man behind the desk lifted his head from the book on the counter and smiled. " I'm Jimmy, how may I help you?"

I walked over to the desk and showed him my key. " Can I ask which room is mine, sir?"

" Name please?" He asked as he faced the computer.

" Aoi, Nagisa Aoi."

His looked at me and became wide-eyed. " I'm sorry, Miss Aoi. You have the top floor of the place. All you have to do is place your key in the whole that says ' tenth floor' and turn it, the elevator will take you up." He smiled again at me and pointed to where the elevators were. " Call us id you need anything."

I smiled and nodded at him. " Yes, I will remember that. Thank you, Jimmy and call me Nagisa from now on." He nodded at me before looking back into the book. I headed to the elevator, got in and placed my key inside the tenth floor lock. It took me straight to the tenth floor and opened into my hallway of my apartment.

I walked out and dropped my mouth before I took another step. Pretty much my apartment was the luxury modern style. The flooring was wooden except for the kitchen, which was tiled. The walls were painted a crimson color except for the bedrooms, which were painted grey. The living room had a 52" Sony flat screen TV mounted up on the wall with surround sound. It faced a black leather couch and a lazyboy recliner. There was a circular glass table with three boxes and a note. I walked into the dinning room, which fit seven people and had a cabinet with expensive sets. I turned and found the kitchen that had an island facing the living room. The kitchen was filled with food, drinks and a couple of wine bottles. I went down one of the hallways and found two guests rooms with bathrooms and a library/study. The study was filled with books, my college courses and my college papers.

I rolled my eyes and headed down the other hallway to find heaven. The master bedroom had a Wood and Metal Bed Espresso Bedroom Set and another 52" TV in the corner with DVDs piled around it. I saw two doors and picked the door on the right of the bed and felt my eyes pop out. I had a walk-in closet but nothing in them. I closed that door and guess the other one was my bathroom. Once I opened the door, I smelt lavender everywhere and looking around the bathroom. I guess that it was a WengeWood European Design set with lavender candles placed around the tub and the sink.

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