Chapter 1

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My name is y/n and I'm a theif, yeah I know I'm kinda of like loba but my story is different and has something to do with revenant too, it all began 20 years ago

My dad was the person who helped create revenant i was only 9, It was bring your kid to work day, my dad showed me how the simulacrums work and how he built them with others, about 3 hours after showing me around my mom called my dad telling him about a simulacrum on a rampage in different Hammond labs and killing them and that she was on the way to pick me up, my dad hanged up and explained to me to go to his office

Me panicking I hugged my dad and ran to his office, just as I was running I heard a loud bang behind me and shooting, I got to the office and sat under the desk waiting for the noise to stop, I heard yelling, screaming, sharp items on the ground and bullets about a few minutes later

I got up and ran to the lab and saw that everyone was on the floor bleeding and most dead, I looked to the right and saw a 7ft robot looking around probably for survivors, I hid behind a book shelf and covered my hand with my mouth

As I heard footsteps around the place they went silent, I turned to see if anyone was there nobody was, I got up and saw my dad laying there dead with a bloody hole in his chest, I got on my knees and held him then started to cry

Just then my mom ran in and saw me holding his cold lifeless body while crying, she walked up to me bent down and hugged me saying it was going to be ok

Just while we were hugging I felt a sharp pain right in my stomach I started to bleed from my mouth and before I blacked out I saw the 7ft tall robot with his hand in my moms chest and blood coming out of her mouth, he let go then I blacked out

I woke up in the hospital in alot of pain wondering what happend and then it hit me that robot killed my parents, I doctor walked in saying your lucky to be alive everyone in that lab died, I started to cry when I did a nurse also walked in and hugged me

Little did I know the nurse was my babysitter, its ok I will adopt you, your gonna be in good care, she said smiling at me, I grinned a little, about 3 weeks later the doctors let me go home, I got home and started to pack my stuff while my babysitter was outside in the car waiting for me, when I was packing I saw a picture of my parents and me on the table

I started to get mad, I will get my revenge I promise mom and dad, I grabbed the picture and walked out the house holding my bag then got in the car, we got to her house and she walked me to my room, dinner will be ready in 15 she said walking out of the room, I sat on my bed thinking of what I should do next, but then I also remembered I have school tomorrow

About 14 minutes later my babysitter called me to eat we ate dinner, then I went up stairs to take a shower and brush my teeth then go to bed, when trying to go to sleep I kept dreaming of the robot stabbing my mom and me then I would wake up crying

After a whole night of barely any sleep I got up took a shower and went to school I didn't bother on brush my teeth, I walked in and everyone looked at me like they felt bad for me, one of my bullies walked up to me and said "I'm sorry for your loss" while touching me shoulder then walked away then it clicked everyone knows about my parents

The whole school day peope kept saying sorry to me and remiding me of my parents death, but the only ones who weren't was my best friend tae joon, he was rather a serious one he also doesn't have a mom or dad but he did get adopted by a lady names mystic she's one of the teachers at out school

I invited tae Joon over for a play date he agreed after school we talked about the future, we played games and ate snacks

Tae is a really good friend, I asked my babysitter if he could spend the night she said yes but only if we keep the noise down, tae didn't have anything for a sleep over so I offered to share my clothes and bed, he was a little embarrassed but agreed, after he got on one of my big tee shirts and got on one side of my bed we fell asleep quickly, surprisingly I didn't dream of the robot

*4 years later

Today is the day tae joon leaves town, we both say our goodbyes and both kept a promise to see each other again
I was really emotional about it he was the only friend I had

*10 years later

I'm 23 and its the anniversary of my parents death, I went to there grave and wished them well, my babysitter go sick with a virus, I trying to take care of her the best i can, I'm not really happy with my life but I will keep trying for my parents and also since I turned 18 I've been trying to find that robot that killed my parents but he's either presumed dead or still out there

I also decided to join the military to work on my fighting so I had to leave her sometimes and developed the habit of stealing :/

*6 years later

I'm 29 now my babysitter died when I was 26 I've had depression, I quit the military because I kept stealing and mostly learned everything, I've also been trying to get in contact with tae joon after years, I have a big house a nice car but by myself, If your wondering how I got rich, let's just say I stole my way to the top

I sitting down in my kitchen watching the news then a picture popped up on it a familiar person or robot it was him, recently a theif named loba Andrade has joined the apex games and apparently has an enemy in the games stay turned to find out who it is, a thief like me? Wow and a girl to, maybe I should join the apex games too

*few months after loba joined

Its my time to shine, I was in a line full of others wanting to be the next legend, it was my turn I walked up to the stage, "so what's your name", "y/n but you can call me envoy", "interesting, what do you do", "I'm a theif I'm really good at talking things its a habit", I heard them whipering we already have a theif," I special vision and can go invisible for 15 secs and you won't even realize that I'm gone", "hm show us", "I just did" I was holding one of their wallets, they laughed and clapped

"WE HAVE OUR NEW LEGEND EVERYONE" as the judges said that everyone started to get mad and walk out, you start today get ready, what the hell ok then, they pointed at the corner door, walked to the door where I saw a tall robot with a huge red eye on its face and a smiling face on their screen, "hello friend I will be your guide", "ok" then robot i said rolling my eyes

We walked to another room where I saw alot of people talking, "hello friends this is um", "friend what is your name?" He asked, "im not your friend and my name is y/n but you can call me envoy", "welcome to the team" a guy with curly hair a beard said, "he was kinda cute not gonna lie but he looked stupid at the same time, I looked to a guy who was looking at me the whole time since I said my name "uh do you have a problem?" I said clutching my fist "no." He said looking at his drone

I turned to my left and saw I lady with beautiful hair and probably alot of makeup was looking at her staff and her nails at the same time, I was guessing that was loba, I walked up to her, "Whats up" I said she looked up to me "your a theif to what of it" she rolled her eyes "sorry about her she's just mad at me for talking some sense into her" a girl with white hair said, "im valkyrie nice to meet you" she said, "hey" I said "why is she here?" I said "she wants revenge on a robot and she can't becaus-" "shut the fuck up and mind your own business" loba yelled at me, I didn't want to waste my energy on her so I walked away with the robot, it showed me to my room and told me that we have a game in 3 days

I didnt get to meet the other legends and loba is pretty mean, I unpacked and went to take a shower, after I took a shower a got up and sat on my couch to watch TV, a few moments later I heard a knock, I opened the door it was loba, "what do you need" I said, "im sorry for acting like that" she said walking into my room pushing me aside, she sat on the couch, "I'm not gonna tell you what I'm in for tho" she said laughing, "huff I'm bored now goodnight" she said getting up then walking out of the room to I guess her room

"Weird" I closed my door and went to bed, I woke up and got dressed, I walked out of the room to see a blond male with blue eyes and a little scar on his cheek walking down the hall, I started to blush bright red without noticing, thank God he didn't notice me

(1748 words)

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