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Meanwhile, Rave on Cabin:


After I handed over a clue to Aaron. William walked towards me and stood in front of me. Well, The treasure was eagerly waiting for this cute muffin hunter, William said and handed over the first clue. I smiled and gazed at him. Best of luck, He said and left to search his treasure. 

"You helped me in that place when I was in love" Note: Not so far, the second clue was in the cabin. 

Does he mention the hall? Or Clever's room? I sat on the couch where everyone went to search for their second clue. I was thinking hard. Wait a minute, I helped him to talk with Clever in the kitchen. And that was the first time I helped him with his love. So I ran into the kitchen. And searched for the second clue. I opened the fridge. I found a muffin and a piece of paper there.

"Eat me, So you can get your second clue" I ate the one muffin and found the second clue inside the muffin. Did he bake it? Not bad it tastes good. He placed the second clue inside the muffin. 

The second clue says, "Where we had our first fight" is easy to find. I ran towards the entrance of our cabin and I found a single muffin in the letterbox. The piece of paper that was kept with the muffin said, " Do you want me to remind you again? Eat it.

I ate the muffin and found a third clue inside the muffin. The third clue was about "The walk with a broken heart" Walk with a broken heart? Oh, I found it. When I was rejected by Aaron, William and I walked together. I was broken and he stayed with me until I'm okay. I'm really really lucky to have him. So I rushed to the place. The path was empty. I found no one there. But my eyes found one single bookshop where William used to buy books regularly. So I entered the bookstore. The old woman with wrinkles and specs was sitting on the chair. I smiled. 

Does William came here and gave clues like a muffin or a piece of paper? I asked. Ohh, You're Rave Cardin, She asked in surprise. 

Yes, I said and smiled. Well, I don't believe you, She said and stood up from her place. Then How can I prove you? I queried. 

Name William's favorite book? She asked. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, I answered without hesitation. She gave a grin and said that "I believe you now" William was so obsessed with that book. He reread that book more than 100 times. So that was his favorite book, I thought.

I smiled. So where is the fourth clue? I asked and my eyes started to wander around the store. Wait a minute, She said and went inside the room which was inside the bookstore. She came up with the muffin.

Here you go, Eat it, She said and gave that muffin to me. Oh My goodness, William, you're going to make me fat in one day. I ate already three muffins. Eat it, The old lady said. I ate and found the fourth clue. It said that "Where it all started" 

Okay now, I don't have any idea about it. Where it all started? What started? It doesn't even look like a clue. I walked out of the bookstore and started to think about the clue while walking. Oh, Wait... It all started when we met for the first time. The place where we first arrived from the hole. So I took a cab and went to the place. I searched for the fifth clue there. I walked into the woods and searched deeply. But I couldn't find it. I'm tired right now. So I decided to go to our cabin. When I walked out of the woods I saw a basket which was hanging in the tree. 

I jumped up and grabbed that basket. Oh, This was the place where we met for the first time. We entered the van together, I thought. Fortunately, There was no muffin there. I found a little piece of paper that was rolled in a cylindrical shape. 

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