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Well, defeating Whistler was not an easy thing to do. So Aaron and I will help you to fight with Whistler. Since you have both beads which are settled perfectly inside your body, you are the only one to defeat the Whistler. If the situation got bad we will back off, Hellen spoke as her voice seemed determined. I agreed with her. 

The teams were ready, Hellen, Mr.Dumont said. Shall we go? She asked as her rapture blue eyes met mine. Yes, I answered but deep down I'm afraid. I wanted someone to hold me tight and but I realized that Will was the only one who holds me up even when I lost Aaron for a long time. And finally, I lost him too, I thought.  

Mr.Dumont leads us to the palace entrance where I saw a bus to take our teams to Carlisle. Almost 15 buses, huh? Hellen surprised. Yes, Matterson replied. 

The teams were getting inside the bus one by one. Bus number 15, Hellen informed. I nodded. She went inside the bus and I followed her. Helen took a window seat and Matterson took a seat next to her. I sat in the middle row and Aaron sat next to me. Aaron was quiet. And I have never seen him this quiet, It seemed wrong. I wanted to talk to him. But the fact that he made Will kill himself for my love made me mad at him more. I couldn't accept it. He died in front of my eyes. My eyes turned teary while thinking about it. 

The few team members entered the bus. Clever entered the bus and her eyes started to search for an empty seat. Aaron suddenly stood up. You can sit here, Aaron said and moved to the back seat. Clever said thanks to him and sat next to me. I smiled when she sat. She responded with a grin. I'm gonna do this for Will, She breathed out. Will, will be happy if he knows that you're gonna face demons at the battle, I said as I reached her hand. He will be afraid too, She replied with a broken smile on her face. Her eyes started to flood with tears but she held up her tears tight. She didn't let down the single tear down. If you want to cry, you have my shoulder. I'm here for you, I said as I held her hand tight like I'm not letting her cry alone. I'm mad at Will, he did the stupidest thing. He left his love for me. I don't want anyone to die for me, I yelled inside my head. 

The engine started. The whole bus was hush because we don't even know that we will return. I don't know how many lives are we gonna lose now. After a while, I saw Miss Matterson got up from her place. She stood in front of us. We don't know that we will return or not. But I'm sure losing our lives is worth it. If we won, we will get peace forever, and losing our lives for the peace of the future generation is a worth thing. So we are all in this together. Whatever it happens we will never ever let the demons attack our Rave, Matterson vowed. The members on our bus agreed with her. 

Then we reached Carlisle. We all got down and saw the trees filled the forest in front of us. So this is a place where the Demon and Whistler stays? I asked and my gaze turned over to Helen. Yes, She answered. So we have to walk inside the forest, Aaron uttered finally. I thought you lost your voice, Hellen teased him. He just smiled at her. The teams will enter the forest first and we will reach the Whistler place from the back, Hellen said as I saw the teams were started to enter the forest. How do we know that Whistler was in the back? I asked and raised my left eyebrow. Do you think that I'm that bad? She laughed and pulled a detector out of her pocket. But to detect the things we have to fix the chip to them right? Aaron asked. Last night after you guys left the Rysemic, Whistler and I was there. But don't worry He didn't know that I'm there. I used my power to hid. He was frustrated after knowing that he lost the bead so he must be super angry now. If he sees us right now we will be dead, She said. And I forget to tell you that I inserted the chip inside him. Even if I lost the chip I can trace him with my powers, So no worries, She added. 

Clever reached me. Rave, she called. Please don't hurt yourself. Stay alerted. The demons are stronger you know, I said. I know, She said and hugged me. You are stronger than you think, Clever whispered in my ear which reminded me of Will. Will always used to say that to me. 

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