Immortality (Venti/Aether)

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"Yahoo! Traveler, catch me!"

Venti glided towards the panicked traveler who was strolling outside of Mondstadt. Venti crashed into the traveler and landed on top of him.

He giggles whilst the traveler groans in pain. "Venti, would you stop doing that?"

"Why not? It's fun!" Venti pouted. Aether tries to shake the wind archon off of him, and once he succeeds he got up and brushes the dirt off his clothes.

"To you maybe, but to me it looks dangerous." Aether says, helping Venti get up. "You could get hurt you know."

"But I know I won't get hurt by the one and only Honorary Knight." Venti winked at him. Aether was flustered at the comment. He really doesn't like seeing his closest friends getting hurt, and Venti was one of them. He doesn't like seeing his friends put themselves into dangerous situations.

"But still, you could get hurt."

Venti laughs at his expression. He pinched the traveler on the cheek. "No need to worry traveler!" Venti grins. "I think the only one who we should worry here is you."

"Hey, I can take care of myself!"

Venti continues to laugh and smile at the traveler, masking away his anxieties and fear. He knows that Aether can take care of himself. But he couldn't help himself to seeing the traveler hurt.

He's only human after all.

Aether turned away to gather resources. "Anyway, I'll help you get stronger, that is if you'd help me." Aether says.


Once aether goes away, Venti grasped his chest. "Everything will be fine."

*Time skipped to modern*

Venti stares longingly at the giant statue in front of him.

It was the traveler holding a sword, still with the same braid and attire. It looks exactly just like his traveler.

Many people passed by, often glancing at the statue or take pictures before walk away.

"I'm sorry for not saving you." Venti whispers to himself. "If only I could turn back time."

Venti went through evolutions of Teyvat, how the world evolved. And through those times, he couldn't help but think about his dear traveler who went through Teyvat looking for his sister.

He promised to help him find his sister and keep him safe. But he broke both of those promises.

He doesn't remember how long it was, and when it happened. All he just know is that he lost the one he loved.

Lost, during a battle with the abyss.

"A traveler who doesn't belong." Venti muttered to himself. "Yet is welcomed to the world of Teyvat."

"A stranger from another world that we all do not deserve, but needed." Venti grasped the statue, feeling the smooth, cold stone rubbing against his palm. "A stranger, yet a savior."

"Well, that was very deep."

Venti jolted in surprise.

He turned around to see...

Aether BL OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now