Crack Chapter

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You: Dr. Glass, how does it feel to be working for the Foundation?

Dr. Glass: Oh, it's wonderful! We're all like one big, happy family.

Dr. Bright: *laughing maniacally while cranking a chainsaw*

Dr. Clef: *shooting his gun repeatedly*

Dr. Iceberg: *throws toilet paper all over the foundation personnel* April fools, fuckers!

Dr. Gears: It's the middle of January??

Random MTF soldier: Shit! Someone set the kitchen on fire!

*panicked screams as the kitchen explodes*

Dr. Bright, throwing his chainsaw to the floor and falling on his knees: My pizza!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! *curls up on the floor and sobs*

Dr. Gerald, who was caught in the explosion: So that was your pizza that was in the oven that set it on fire!?

Dr. Glass, turning back to you with a bright smile: I love my family

You: o_O'


Dr. Bright: Do you think I could fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?

Dr. Gears: You're a hazard to society

Dr. Clef: And a coward. Do 20


Dr. Gears, throwing his documents in the air: Fuck this shit

Dr. Gears: Just kidding, I need to science *Picks up the documents*


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