Headcanon - SCP 049

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*His parents were really abusive when he was still young. Although they didn't physically hurt him, but they did make a lot of degrading comments like "I've seen better", "You're a disappointment", etc. It felt like nothing he did was good enough. They were also really neglectful.

*049 doesn't know how he got his powers, he found out he had them one day when he touched his mother when he wanted to show her a picture he drew of their family, when she dropped dead on the ground. (He was 9, btw)

*His father accidentally got killed when he touched 049's hand.

*He really loves children, and will do anything to cheer up a crying child. He usually gives them apples or a small candy, like a lollipop or a toffee he pulls out of his bag, and he's very patient when handling a child. Although, some of the kids end up accidentally dying when they touch him, whether that be giving him a hug and\or accidentally brushing their fingers against 049's hand when he offers them candy and/or fruits. Which, of course, makes him a bit depressed, and he tries his hardest to keep the children at a safe distance from him.

That's all, lol. Tell me your thoughts in the comments

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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