I Believe

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Bella's POV *I know right*

I look at the wolf claiming to be Jane.

'She isnt Jane.' I throught silently. 'That is not the girl I fell in love with.....the girl I imprinted on.'

She looked pleading for me to believe.

'Please Bella.' She said her Italian accent rich.

Jane always said she never had and Italian Accent but you could tell. Her mother was Italian. She was adorable when she spoke.

'You are not Jane.' I said glaring and Scar.

'We use to fight about my accent. You were there when Carmel *Car-Mil* hurt me.'

'You don't know what you are saying.' I growled my ears flattening against my skull as I bared my teeth at her.

'Carmel. The basturd that carved slut in my leg when I wouldn't do it with him. You remember? I had to fight with you about rip his head off.'

'How do you know about this?' I growled crouching down.

'I am Jane!' She howled.

I stepped closer to her baring my teeth. Alpha came out and stood in front of her and growled at me.

'You don't hurt Scar got it mutt.' Alpha growled.

I cringed away. I looked at Scar and went to pounce when Alpha attacked me. I was on my back with Alpha over me snapping at me. I felt a body hit Alpha. They both went right. I stood up and looked. It was Scar. They were snapping and biting each other. Scar grabbed Alpha's hind leg and threw her into a tree. She turned to me and Alpha jumped on her back biting a spot on her neck. Scar's eyes rolled back and she fell. Alpha smiled down and Scar.

I ran over and nudged Scar's body. No reaction. I felt my heart drop. It is Jane. I growled at Alpha. She got off Scar. I laid next to Scar and hope that she would wake up.







One Comment for another Chapter and it can't be my cuz. :P

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