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C H A P T E R  T H R E E 

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C H A P T E R  T H R E E 



jeongguk's pov

taehyung's heart belonged to someone else. who? he was barely friends with anyone besides taeyong, jimin & yves.

park jimin & ha sooyoung, were kim taehyung's best friends. all three of them were always seen together, yves' girlfriend, chuu sometimes joined them.

they were inseperable. jeongguk had heard that jimin & tae lost their virginity to each other. he wondered if it was true. if park jimin was the person he had lost taehyung to.

the thing about jeongguk was, he acted like he didn't care. but he did, a lot of more than others in fact.

he was the the ''anonymous'' person who sent him chocolates. ordered him milkshakes the night before taehyung came in the diner etc.

he knew the diner was very precious to taehyung, he always used to go there. always ordering the same thing.

a piece strawberry shortcake & a glass of strawberry milkshake with extra whipped cream.

jeongguk hoped, even if he couldn't . . . court taehyung, he could at least be friends with him, because taehyung was a sweetheart & so, so precious.

the kind of person to help elders & paralyzed cross the road, or share his food with homeless people/ beggars.

they did become friends, best friends in fact.

jeongguk was paired up with taehyung in chemistry for a project.

they always met at the diner, taehyung always ordering the same two things & jeongguk ordering a chocolate milkshake even though he didn't necessarily love sugary things a lot. bought it just for taehyung to ask if he could also try (he did every time)

taehyung was quite talkative. god, jeongguk was grateful he was. jeongguk wanted to know as much about him as possible. he was also very curious. sometimes out of nowhere, he would ask jeongguk '' if you were an ice-cream flavor, which one would you be?'' 

jeongguk answering vanilla because vanilla looks simple but has multiple layers to it. 

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