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"Earth to Jennie!"

The voice was A distant sound drowned out by Jennie's thoughts of a certain girl. It's been a week since she made out on the backseat of Lisa's car and she hasn't been able to stop thinking about it ever since.

She replayed every minor detail in her head, the soft press of Lisa's lips, the weight of her hand on her hips, and the small noises Lisa would make every time Jennie would squirm on her lap, just the thought of it was enough to make her blush. She hasn't seen or heard from Lisa ever since then, Jennie was wondering if Lisa had already dropped the whole thing. She told herself that she should feel relieved because Lisa finally stopped interacting with her, except she wasn't. She was sad even.

Jennie was brutally ripped out of her thoughts when her face was smacked by a pillow with a force enough to send her sprawling on the floor with an undignified screech.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Irene demanded to know as she loomed over Jennie's body while clutching the pillow she just used to assault her.

Jennie blinked at her, confused, then remembered that Irene and Jisoo are at her house to do homework together, but evidently, Jennie's constant spacing out had been noticeable. She sat up throwing her hair behind her back and glanced at Irene and Jisoo who are staring back at her with curiosity.

"Um, nothing," Jennie muttered quickly when she saw Irene's twitch impatiently.

With that response, Irene cocked an unconvinced brown. "Nothing?! You just spent at solid ten minutes at La La Land! What are you thinking about so much?" A delighted expression was suddenly plastered on her face. "Or rather who are you thinking about?'

Jennie's face turned bright pink before she even had the chance to fight it, which discredited her vehement denial.

"What?! No one!"

Even Jisoo didn't look convinced by her.

"Liar!" Irene cried and tackled her back on the ground "Is my little Nini finally in love? Who's the lucky guy?"

Jennie wheezed for breath under Irene's unrelenting weight and attempted to fight her off. "No! What?! I don't know what you're talking about!"

She hated the bit of panic dripping from her voice, but she couldn't help it. She was terrified that her friends will find out about Lisa. She was never been a good liar, which she used to consider a blessing until now. Until Lisa.

"Is it Kai?" Jisoo asked with so much interest.

Irene scoffed without giving Jennie a chance to respond. "No way. You aren't in love with that limp noodle, are you?"

Irene has never been fond of Kai. She thought he was boring, pretentious, and annoying. Kai doesn't like her either, according to him, she was immature and unbearable.

"I'm not in love with anyone." Jennie insisted.

"I'm going to tickle you until you confess!" Irene declared

"No!" Jennie cried, but it was too late. Irene dug her fingers onto her ribs and easily found all her weak spots, the way only someone who had already done this countless times would. Within seconds, Jennie was squealing hysterically with laughter, trashing underneath Irene, cheeks reddening, and eyes tearing up.

It sounded like someone was being murdered, so of course, her door flung open with her appa storming in. "What's going on here?" He asked, wide-eyed.

Irene immediately stopped and lifted herself off of Jennie. "Um, nothing, Mr. Kim. We were just messing around." She sent her million-dollar smile, but Jennie's appa doesn't look amused as she scowled his daughter for not acting lady-like.

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