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Author's note: yet another story about uvogin. basically the idea is you know how a few times in the early chapters of the story, uvogin is knocked out in the bed? yea this is one of his dreams. as you can see from the title, gonna be a smidge smutty. 

this is the dream he was having in chapter 7...

Uvogin pov

i had just walked in. long as day from work. sweaty as fuck with hella swamp ass right now. i was uncomfortable, hot, exhausted but more than anything i was pissed. boss man told me we were still 6 months from our goal on that new building downtown. thats up from the original 3 months from the goal. 

they better be glad they the only job i could get cause of the felony. 

"IM HOME," i called, shimmying my boots off. the motion made me get a whiff of myself. stank was like getting punched in the nose. i dont know what deodorant sean keeps buying but it dont be doing shit for me. i didnt hear any commotion so that means the kids arent here. 

i walked into the living room, taking a big sniff. didnt smell anything. i checked my watch, 18:08. takes about 30 min to get home so im right on time. what the fuck? he's normally done with dinner by now. i looked around for a bit, not findin him nowhere before i just decided fuck it. looks like another night where i will have to take care of myself. 

i was about half way up the stairs when i heard the thud of footsteps. not light like kids so they must be his. i got to the top when i saw him. bathroom door was open just a peak revealing him in some casual clothes. he was shavin. upon noticing me standing here, he jumped wasnt the little scared jump that i was used too. it was the type uh jump a person makes when they are just now noticin someone's existence. he pulled some little buds out his ears. 

"...hey baby. how was work?" 

it was the way he had said it that was so....different from what i had gotten used to. the traces of bitch he had in him was....just not there. hell i wanted to yell at the motherfucker for not having dinner ready or even noticing i was here but....i couldnt. for the first time....shit since i met him, i felt.....submissive. like he'd beat my ass if even raised my voice. for the first time i really felt like this was his house. i was his man. his bae. his piece. hell....his bitch when he wanted. i felt like raising my voice to him would earn a back hand slap. 

" was cool. where's....where's dinner?" what the hell is wrong with me? wheres the raging and the yelling demanding that he pay attention to me? what the fuck. he chuckled in that way he always do. "i figured since the kids were gone for the weekend, we could go out. our anniversary just passed and we basically did nothing. valentines day same thing. a friend from work offered to watch the kids so we could have some us time," he said. "....ok," it felt like i whispered it, it was so damn soft. 

he finished up shaving and brushing his teeth while me?...i just stood there looking stupid just staring at the motherfucker. it was like i felt...compelled to wait. to watch and see what this new dude...what sean would do next. 

"why ya standing there? dont you wanna freshen up?" he asked, to which i promptly got my ass in gear. i headed into the bathroom, for some reason avoiding bumping into him or really trying not to be in his way as i got ready for a shower. 

he waited for me to finish in the shower. i stepped out, drying off and putting the towel around my waist. i was on my way out when he grabbed me. i felt myself being pulled close and to be honest...i was scared. worried that i had done something wrong when i felt his strong arm hold me still. 

Never Gonna Happen (Seme Male Reader x Ging)  {HxH / Hunter x Hunter)Where stories live. Discover now