«| Unloved |»

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Sitting by myself ,
Staring in the distance ,
The silence loud enough ,
To block the world's profanities !

The void visible ahead ,
Ripping the soul out of me ,
The feeling of being unloved ,
Flowing through the veins in me !

I searched through the dark life ,
for a small ray of love and light,
but was left with remorse once again ,
with the feeling of living a worthless life .

Darkness was all that I was used to live in ,lost was the only state that described me ,The aura was too dark for my happiness to reside in , And life was too cruel to let me survive in !

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Darkness was all that I was used to live in ,
lost was the only state that described me ,
The aura was too dark for my happiness to reside in ,
And life was too cruel to let me survive in !

The bright end of the tunnel was a fiction ,
that I never had the chance to see !
And the pang of reality hit me hard enough to make me realise ,
That love was something I was never gonna feel !

Ignored !
Disowned !
Left !
Lost !
Unloved !

That is just one thing , one small emotion that can get the best of a person's mind . It leads a person to vacuity , loneliness voidness or simply DARKNESS !!

It's not........ that love is only in a romantic feeling ! Making a person feel loved also includes appreciating their existence and efforts.....!

Sounds simple and lame right?!
But guess what ! Their are thousands around you who carry the load of an emotionless soul.....just wishing to get appreciated at some part of their life.....and continuing their life with that hollow hope !!

It's unruly of our society if just even one child or a person feels unloved in this world of a billion to give company

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It's unruly of our society if just even one child or a person feels unloved in this world of a billion to give company.......being concious of yourself should be in a harmless attempt for the ones around you . You don't know but maybe your unintentional ignorance can lead to a being's distraught life......and you don't know what it may lead to !

So , it's a duty of one and everyone that a person is never left with the feeling of worthlessness with him !

......cause you may not know and won't want to know , what it feels to crave , to be loved !

Spread love !
Appreciate one another !

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