chapter 9

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Katryn:good. You found it
Kaitlyn:Katryn! Stay away!
Seaguff:why would you say that to your own best friend?
Jessica:she's not our best friend anymore
Katryn:oh Jessica
Katryn:you've got something I need
James carries Jessica
They go inside the connector
Jessica:what just happened?
James:the connector opened a hole
Jessica:where are we now?
James:a forest?
Matthew:wait! I know this place!
Matthew:we're back on Earth!
Matthew:there's the cabin,Mom and Dad made for us when we were still little
Jessica:a cabin?
Jessica feels a sharp pain in her brain
James:Jessica? Jessica!
Jessica falls
Mike:Jessica! Please!
Kaitlyn:My Mom's clinic is not far from here!
Matthew:where is it?
Kaitlyn:88 Hughman
Matthew:that's 7 minutes away
Kaitlyn:at least it's near
James:come on! We have no time!
At the clinic
Natalie:what happened before she fainted?
Kaitlyn:wait,she fainted?
Natalie:yes,like there was something in her brain that tried to forget something
Matthew:she was looking at our old cabin
Matthew:I have been missing for 4 years but now I came back to..
Natalie:to what? Where did you come from? You guys are all dirty
Kaitlyn:It's a long story
Natalie:there are some clothes in the storage room,get some clothes there
Natalie:Jessica? Honey?
Jessica:Ms Flowers? Where am I?
Natalie:you are at my clinic
Jessica:where are the others? We're not safe anymore
Natalie:Jessica,calm down
Jessica:I can't!
Natalie:Jessica? Did you find something in your house?
Jessica:yes! A book which was made by this guy named Seaguff Deher and when we said his name,we went inside the hole that opened in my library
Natalie:Seaguff Deher?
Jessica:yes! Please believe me!
Natalie:come,call you friends,we have to leave
Natalie:Kaitlyn! Girls! Boys! Get in my car! Now!
They all go inside
James:Jessica? Are you alright?
Natalie:tell me more about this book please
Jessica:well,when we went inside the hole,we were at a castle dungeon,but then they let us out and made us maids for the prince and princess
Jessica:that's where we met James
Natalie:James,how long were you in the book?
James:I think two weeks
Natalie:oh,you've been gone for two months and Matthew,you only came back now,so were you in the book too?
Matthew:yes,I was
Natalie:how long were you there for?
Jessica:wait,Joshua hasn't talked in a long time
Jessica:where is he?
Hailee:he's not here
Jessica:Is he still in the book?
James:we have to go back! He's not safe there!
Natalie:no you can't!
Natalie:You there! What's your address?
Mike:me? Um 56 Boulevard
Natalie:okay,when we arrive,please get the book inside
Natalie:we have to end this!
Kaitlyn:wait,Mom,you've been in the book before?
Natalie:the worst experience of my life
Peachy:how about our parents? You've been friends with them for years!
Natalie:Your Mom and Dad met in the book
Peachy:let me guess,he was the prince?
Natalie:nope,I became the princess,your mom was the maid and your dad was the gardener
Natalie:what were you guys? Oh and where's Katryn?
Hailee:the four of us were maids and Katryn became the princess but she betrayed us
Hailee:she partnered up with Seaguff
James:I was the prince,Mike was a huntsman and Ryan was my servant
Matthew:and I was just hanging around the forest,never got inside the castle,except when I saw Jessica,I knew,that was my sister
Natalie:we're here
Mike:hold on
Mike's Mom:Mike! Where have you been?
Natalie:Ma'am please! We don't have the time!
Mike runs inside and gets the book
Mike:I'll be back!
Mike's Mom:you better be!
Mike:I will
Natalie:your house
James:43/5 Boulder Craven
Natalie:on it
After getting all the books
Natalie:we're here
Outside the car
Natalie:this is where me and your parents burned the book
Natalie:But I guess he made more
Jessica:we met Seaguff in the book
Natalie:really? If he is still in the book,we can burn it
Natalie:but if we burn it and he's not in there
Natalie:he has a chance to make more
Natalie:you wanna go in?
Jessica:we have to,to stop Seaguff
Natalie:okay let's g-
Flora:Peachy Grader!
Richard:Peachy! Where have you been?
Natalie:Flora! Richard! We don't have time!
Flora:what are you..?
Richard:Is that the Seaguff Deher book?
Flora:keep that away from us
Natalie:It's better that way
Natalie:let's go!
All:Seaguff Deher!
They all disappear
Flora:why would they go back there?
Seaguff:hello Flora,Richard
Richard:why are you here?
Flora:Aren't you supposed to be in the book?
Seaguff:It's my book,dumbies
Seaguff:you want a trip down memory lane? *snaps*
To Be Continued

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