chapter 11

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Seaguff and Katryn disappear with Hailee
Natalie:what do we do?
Jessica:we have to burn the book
Ryan:but Hailee is in here,it will erase her too
Jessica:*sighs* what do we do?
Kaitlyn:the sticks
Kaitlyn:give me the book
Kaitlyn flips the pages
Kaitlyn:here! "Sticks" "also known as the 'Magic Wand'
Kaitlyn:"they will find a box of "sticks" and when they find out they are magic wands,they have to spin it around and say the thing they need"
Kaitlyn:"after that,the things they need are in front of them,and it is unlimited"
Kaitlyn:"use it."
James spins one wand around
James:bring me Katryn,Seaguff and Hailee!
Hailee,Katryn,Seaguff appears
Hailee steps on Katryn's foot
James:put Katryn and Seaguff in the dungeon and don't let anyone or the guards let them out!
Seaguff and Katryn go to the dungeon
Katryn:you're gonna regret this!
Natalie:oh my gosh!
Flora:it was that quick?
Hailee:let's go back and burn the book
All:Seaguff Deher!
Back to their real life
Natalie:oh my!
Richard:burn that frickin' book! Now!
They put the book down,and the papers,the wands,everything they found in Cynthoa and burn it
Matthew:let's go home
They all go back to their houses
Mom:Jessica! Where have you been?
Dad:and what are you wearing? You're a mess!
Mom:and who is-
Mom looks at Matthew
Mom:no-no! This can't be
Mom:*crying* M-m-Matthew?
Matthew:hi Mom
Matthew:hey Dad
Dad:oh my boy!
Dad hugs Matthew
Mom:where have you been all these years? We were worried sick!
Matthew:it's a long story
Jessica:really,really long
They all hug
A few hours later
Matthew:that's where I was all these years
Mom:oh dear! You went through all that?
Mom:and Jessica,I'm proud of you
Mom:for saving your friends,your brother
Mom:I always knew you were special
Mom:and Matthew,thank you for coming back
Mom:and I-I'm sorry
Mom:we're sorry
Dad:we thought you were happy,we tried our best to give you enough time with us
Dad:but I guess we failed
Dad:I'm sorry,son
Matthew:it's okay,Dad
Matthew:I knew how hard you worked for me and Jessica
Matthew:at least,you love me
Matthew:that's enough for me
A few hours later
Jessica:so,there's homecoming this Friday
Jessica:and since,you don't go to school anymore
Jessica:why not be a date for one of my friends?
Matthew:*chuckles* well,I was thinking the same thing
Matthew:I actually kind of like your friend,um what's her name?
Matthew:yeah! She's kind of cute
Jessica:you two look good together
Matthew:do we?
Matthew:that's two days away
Matthew:so? What are we doing tomorrow?
Jessica:I told the others to meet us at our old cabin
Jessica:maybe have some pizzas and
we can bring our projector to watch a movie
Matthew:that's a great idea
Jessica:a good way to welcome you back
Matthew:thanks sis
Jessica:no problem,bro
High five
The next day
At the cabin
Peachy:this cabin is cool!
Peachy:so many antiques
Kaitlyn:hey! A typewriter
Jessica sets up the projector
James:so,tomorrow is your homecoming
James:well,can I take you as my date?
Jessica:wait,you go to my school?
James:yeah,I am a grade older than you
Jessica:really? How come I have never seen you?
James:I was kind of the quiet one
James:I always pass by you but you never look at me
James puts on his glasses and fixes his hair
James:this was me
Jessica:oh shoot!
Jessica:that was you?
Jessica:well,then yes
Jessica:I'll be your date
Mike:she said yes!
Mike:Kaitlyn! She said yes!
Ryan:Hailee too!
Jessica:did you ask someone?
Matthew:huh? Um
Peachy:you want me to ask instead?
Matthew:oh? Um?
Peachy:do you want to be my date?
Matthew:I will be your date
They watch a movie and eat tons of pizza
Jessica:that was a fun day
Kaitlyn:since it's still early
Kaitlyn:let's go to the diner and get some milkshake!
Hailee:never say no to milkshakes!
Jessica:yeah! Let's go!
At the diner
Peachy:okay,since this is our favorite spot
Peachy:let's play our favorite game!
Jessica:*gasps* no
Ryan:what is the game?
Kaitlyn:truth or dare
Jessica:let's use my phone
Jessica spins the wheel
Jessica:ooh! It's Ryan!
Hailee:truth or dare?
Hailee:how many girlfriends have you had?
Ryan:um,I never had one
James:impossible! You're THAT handsome and you don't have one?
Ryan:*shakes his head*
Jessica:ooh! Peachy!
Kaitlyn:truth or dare?
Kaitlyn:I dare you to order one bucket of vanilla ice cream
Matthew:hey! Remember who is paying tonight?
Peachy:oh! Then should I order two?
A few hours later
Jessica's house
Mom:hi! Did you guys have a good day?
Matthew:the best!
Jessica:I'm gonna get some rest
Matthew:okay,see ya
The next day
The four girls are texting each other
Peachy:excited for tonight?
Jessica:you want to go shopping?
Hailee:y to the e to the s to the yes yes yes!
To Be Continued

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