Chapter 4

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I release him from my hug, looking at Steve for only a moment still a little surprise of him forgiving me. Steve smile was the only thing making me feel comfortable but I couldn't stop thinking of Natasha. She just.. ugh, I can't even explain my feeling towards her but i felt it. "I'm sure you have questions for me so ask away?" Steve insists, putting a hand on my metal shoulder. Though, I couldn't feel him touch me, I recognized his effort to help me so I let out a soft sigh, having a hand on my thigh. "What do you know about Natasha?"

"Well, Natasha is the type of person who can really be nice and loving but when she's pissed off, she's dangerous.." Steve answered, looking carefully at me. I just nodded, avoiding eye contact with him just so he wouldn't become suspicious. But Steve was smart, he realized my question was more personal and spoke softly. "You love her don't you?" His word crept down my spine like a chill, looking up at him with shock. "How- i don't love her? I just... want to know about her a little." "Fine... but if you want my advise about this. Just talk to her." Steve suggested knowing i was lying. I let out a sigh, and got up, going to the elevator. "Thank you.. Don't do anything stupid until i come back." Steve chuckled lightly, and sharply responded as I went into the elevator. "How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you.." His comment made me smirk lightly through my hair, then the door closed in front of me. I stared at the button labeled to each floor but I had no idea what to press. Right when i was going to press a random button, a British voice echoed throughout the box.

"I wouldn't press that, sir... That lead you to the arc reactor room."  Once again that damn British voice made me jump,  so i looked up frustrated. "Stop scaring me or I'll shoot you... Now tell were Natasha is." 

"... In the dining room along with the rest of the Avengers. That floor is number 20th"

"Now you're being helpful.." I said, pressing the elevator button. 

"Your welcome, sir." JARVIS said sarcastically. 

I lean up against the metal bar, crossing my arm, not really sure if I'm ready to confront her or not. Especially in front of her friends... But I had to. I couldn't stay hidden in that room for any longer. The doors of the elevator open to reveal a short hallway leading to a loud commotion of the Avengers talking. I sighed, releasing my arms and having them hang down while my chest poke out a little. I had started walking into the hallway, very slowly waiting for what's about to come and then i walk in. They were all placed perfectly talking among themselves and eating then the man with the weird shaped goatee turned to me and spoke rather arrogantly, "Hey look, Robocop!" He gestured to me, having a glass of whiskey in his hand. The rest of their team looked back to me, but the only face i saw was Natasha. She gazed into my eyes, so i cleared my throat like I was about to say something then walks past them. "Don't listen to Tony..  Think he's just jealous of your arm." Natasha suggested while Tony scoffed, drinking the rest of his whiskey. "You want something to eat?" 

I was hesitate before speaking, then nodded, walking to her. "Sure.. what do you have?" "Everything on the counter is yours.. Hulk and Thor normally eats the leftovers." She said, pointing with her index finger to the counter filled with plates of different foods like pancakes, bacon, and eggs. I walked over there, grabbing a plate and fork, and picking as much food as possible considering that i haven't eaten in a few days. At this point, i would have eaten anything. "Woah.. calm down, Barnes. The food will be there." I glare back, to see the archer waving with a sly grin. 

"Back off, Barton." Once again Natasha spoke up for me, finishing her meal and standing up with her plate. 

"Sorry.. I'll leave your boyfriend alone."Clint teased then Natasha slapped the back of his head making Clint almost choke on his food. Thor and Tony burst into laughter slamming their hands on the table, while Bruce just simply chuckled quietly. I smirk lightly at her spunk, as I walked over and sat in between Tony and Bruce. Then, out the corner of my eye, Natasha walks over to me and whispered in my ear. "We'll talk later.." 

I thought about what she said, and just nodded thinking she was mad at me or something. "Great.. Way to go, Barnes."

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