3. The Scrap

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"They said they could take the kid alive." The Mandalorian was connecting the Child's capsule to his right vambrace as he spoke to Koyi. She laid her hand on the top of the pod.

"What could he have done to need such a bounty?"

His helmet tilted her way, but he gave no response. He instead began to walk out of the encampment. Koyi's hand slipped off the pod as it followed after him. She hurried to fall in step beside the armored man. She pointed him to the path she typically used to get home after she would escape. She was happy to have someone with her this time around. While she knew this ravine well it was always a bit unsettling to travel alone, especially after she witnessed the death of a bounty hunter. It was a nice change, leaving the encampment without a heavy heart, even if it was replaced with more questions.

With the lack of conversation, she found herself staring at the rocks. She focused on the little lizards as they scurried across the sand. Bending down she picked one up, running a finger over its crest before she set it back down amongst the others. As she lifted her head her montrals picked up on the wind. Koyi turned to look at the walls before she began to walk again. Something was off. The Mandalorian stopped in front of her. She walked to his side, stopping just as the child's pod did. She reached for her blaster, waiting. He looked around the sides of the clearing. The woman held her breath as she found a new sound, soft footsteps in the rocks, larger ones than that of the scuttling from the lizards they had passed. Slower and slower, they became until they stopped. The Mandalorian was staring elsewhere, but she knew he had heard them too. Soft hissing.

A Trandoshan jumped from the outcropping. In one fluid motion, the Mandalorian pushed the Child back. Koyi moved into action. With the Mandalorian busy with one, she pushed the others out of their hiding spots. She dodged their Vibro-axes, shooting at their openings. As he knocked one to the ground she grappled with another, the third was on the Mandalorian. She ducked under their swing and kicked their legs out from under them. She ran to the downed one from earlier, shooting him and taking his weapon as she moved to help the Mandalorian. But before she got there he had his rifle off his back as he stabbed the Transdoshan.

The reptilian flew back with a spark of electricity. The second one got up and headed towards her and the Mandalorian. She held out the weapon, her arms steady in defense. She dodged a few hits before they snuck around slashing at her arm, deepening the graze wound from earlier. She stumbled back from the force of the hit, her footing not as steady as she assumed. They didn't get very far. The Mandalorian came in, slashing and dodging as one would. They both took blows before he overtook the reptile. Knocking him down. The final Transdoshan ran towards the pod. Before she could react the Mandalorian had pointed his rifle and shot them. The reptilian person turned to dust, right in front of the Child.

A fob fell to the ground in their place. A steady beeping presence joined them. She cursed for not noticing sooner. She walked to the Child as Mando remained where he stood. His exasperated panting filled the silence. She took the heel of her boot and broke the fob. The Child cooed as she looked over him, concern kitted in her brows as he walked to join her. "Is it alright?"

"There's a bit of lizard dust on him but otherwise fine." She glanced at him. "Your employer must be antsy, handing out so many fobs for this little thing."

"Let's go." She looked at the dead Transdoshans before she followed him. Their weapon felt heavy in her hands. Her sheer stubbornness left her with the choice of keeping it. So she acted on it. Working on a way to hold it comfortably while they walked. She ended up breaking the handle, making it smaller and easier for her to wield.

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