mc donalds and narancia

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You're on a walk with narancia and to his left there it was the mc donalds arch.

He'd stare at you and stopped walking doing that sniffing heavily thing with his nose."I can smell it from here😦" As you'd take his hint knowing he wants to go eat there.You roll your eyes as you both turned to go back.

You're both now in mc donalds and the line was long,As you wait everytime you got closer to the register the heavier the scent of the uncleaned toilets got. Once it was your turn the person infront of you was about to take out their wallet to go pay but scratched their ass in the process, their hand had the worlds smelliest brown streak on their hand...

"May I take your order?" The lady behind the counter said "You know why i'm here." with a develish grin. responded as he handed his card. You both waited for atleast 3-4 minutes as the persons next to you had the smelliest armpits "what the frick?!" you thought

As the longest 3-4 minutes past narancia finally got his bts meal.

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