You Make No, Yes.

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Meredith whimpered and panted something that resemble's his name as his thumb swirl's her clit, his middle finger slowly enter's her warm center her wall's quick to clench around him. Meredith never imagined they'd move this fast but slow. "P-please"

Early that week Jo informed Meredith of a party she was throwing. That Meredith just had to go to. "Doctor Grey... just come by, there'll be tequila..." Jo say's as they walk the hall's of the busy hospital to the attending lounge. Meredith lightly chuckle's pushing the door to the attending's lounge open. "I'm not going Wilson." She replies matter of factly. Jo roll's her eye's, her hand's flying in the air. "Fine, you know where it is if you wanna pop by." She say's storming out of the room, the door open's again second's after to reveal Doctor Hayes, head of ped's.

Meredith and Hayes have worked on a countless number of patient's together and even had drink's... from a paper hospital cup but nonetheless drink's. She often find's herself smiling at his presence, letting her eye's linger with his too long, or walking toward's him without noticing. They get along well, she's glad she has someone like him to lean on. They've made it a habit to eat lunch together at least twice a week just to chat. Conversation's with him are easy they have many similarities and his stories of Switzerland alway's make her laugh.

"Doctor Wilson okay?" He question's walking to the couch that's set off to the side of the room.

"She's upset I told her I wouldn't go to her party." Meredith replies making herself a cup of coffee. Hayes nod's with his hand's stretched out over the top of the couch. She look's over at him, mentally noting how his shirt become's tighter on his chest showing off his muscular figure.

"Want a cup?" She question's he shake's his head in the negative watching her as she walk's to the opposite end of the couch keeping distance between the two of them. She'd be lying to herself if she said she wasn't the slightest bit attracted to him, his figure she wasn't quite sure what exactly but the connection was there. Meredith gave him space -literally and figuratively- she know's his wife passed away about three year's ago, she remember's that pain, how hard it can be to move on. She try's not to push and pry even when she want's to.

"You're not going to the party?" He question's turning to look at her as his hand come's to his watch that rest's on his left wrist. His long, thick finger's fiddle with the watch as his gaze rest's on Meredith. Meredith is taken slightly aback by the question, she wave's her hand in the air as she speak's.

"Uh" she lick's her lip's subtly, his attention turning to his watch as she speak's. "I wasn't planning on it, no. Was gonna stay later here..." her word's are cut off by a small chuckle.

"Grey, come you deserve a break." He say's looking from his wrist back to her emerald eye's. Her hair fall's in her face, he want's so badly to reach over, tucking it behind her ear but refrain's from doing so not wanting to cross a boundary. "I'll be there," he stand's to his feet turning on his heel's to face her once more as his arm's stretch above his head exposing the waistband of his scrub pant's, his slight ab's, and his v-line, Meredith swallow hard. "It'll be fun." He finishes his sentence dropping his arms to the side of his body. "Come for me." His eyes pleading and playful.

"You asking me on a date Hayes?" Meredith joke's standing to her feet as well. Hayes take's a step closer to her, his hand's finding his pocket's.

"Is that what you want?" He replies. She swear's his voice dropped an octave. Her eye's bounce between his ocean blue irises. When she doesn't respond he arches an eyebrow. "Call it what you want grey... but I want to see you." He continue's breaking the overwhelming silence. She nod's unsure of his intention's. "Come with me?" He question's his voice dipping lower, just above a whisper.

"Uh- y-yeah." Meredith respond's nerve's taking over her body as he smile's. She look's him up and down licking her bottom lip before taking it between her teeth, she slowly let's it go smiling "I'll see you there Hayes." She walk's past him. His arm bumping into her shoulder as her finger brushes his leg. He slowly turn's on his heel's watching her walk away.


"Hayes!" Meredith say's walking through a crowd of people to where Hayes is standing with Richard, Winston and Maggie. Hayes is quick to turn at the sound of her voice, his jaw becoming agape as he watches her grow closer to him.

Meredith is dressed in a black silk dress that clings perfect to her body, her hair is down straight he assume's blow dried by the way it's moving, her make-up is subtle -natural-, her jewelry contain's stud diamond earring's she pair's with a matching necklace, finishing the look with black heel's.

"Grey, you look... stunning." He say's almost completely wordless. She smile's looking up at him "thank you Hayes, please call me Meredith."
Hayes nod's in response holding his hand out for her to take. Hesitantly she places her hand in his immediately feeling his large, warm hand interlocking with her's send's a shiver down her spine. She curses herself silently for deciding to go braless. Turning back to the conversation Hayes was previously having Maggie shoot's Meredith a grin as Richard carries the conversation. Meredith's hand hang's by her side interlocked with Hayes.

She note's the bigness of his hand and the vein's her thumb rest's on. She feel's protected standing next to him. She breathe's out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Her other hand comes up gripping Hayes' bicep, because someone bump's into her. "You okay?" He question's looking over at her. She smile's and nod's looking in his eye's. He mouth's a resemblance of 'okay' looking back to the group he was talking to.


"Want another drink?" Hayes question's Meredith "yeah." She replies locking her arm with his as they both walk to where Jo had the drinks set up.

"You made it!" A voice say's from behind them. Cormac turns his head "Wilson, hi." He say's letting go of Meredith's arm turning completely. Meredith is quick to turn with him now ending up on his left side. Hayes reaches for Jo pulling her into the embrace of a hug she kisses his cheek as she pull's away. Meredith can't help the slightest tang of jealousy that form's within her as she watches the encounter patently. Jo turn's to her displaying a greeting, warm smile.

"Meredith you look amazing." Her voice raises some to be heard over the loud music.

"thank you!" Meredith replies giving Jo a quick girly hug to which her upper half only touches and their cheek's collide in a form of a kiss on each side.

"You decided to come after all." Jo state's with a pang of question in her tone. Meredith nod's "I did." She replies with a smile. Hayes look's down at her as the women continue their conversation he reorder's their drink's.

"Here" He say's holding a glass half full of clear liquid, in the center of the glass sit's a square ice cube. "Thank you." Meredith take's the glass from him, her hand brushing his as their eye's connect before she look's back to Jo. Hayes' phone begin's to ring in the coat of his tuxedo. He reaches in to grab it looking at the contact sliding the red decline button. Hayes move's so his mouth is next to Meredith's ear "that's the boys... I'll be right back." He whisper's. She nod's as his warm breath slowly trace's her neck, to quickly evaporate.

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