part ten: that didnt happen

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November 5th, 2005

The sun shone through the window that usually wasn't there. I opened my eyes widely and jolted up. I looked around, realizing that I was indeed not wearing any clothes.

I stared at Frank, sleeping beside me peacefully. I smiled slightly at how cute he was when he slept, but I was overall shocked it wasn't a dream. I pinched myself (just incase), but to my avail, I was still lying naked next to my best friend.

Now that I was remembering what had happened last night, I realized how good he was in bed. His moans were quiet, yet just enough to send me off the edge. He left marks on my neck and chest, not caring what anyone would see.

He wanted to prove to me that I was his and he was mine, at least for that night. Remembering now, I probably left a few marks on his back from when my fingernails were against it. He said my name like I never thought I could hear it.

As much as I would like him to wake up so we could talk about it, I wanted more to just lay down and have his arm around me like when I woke up.

I decided on the second option as I snuggled into him, careful not to wake him. His arm went around my waist almost immediately after I make myself comfortable.

"I know your awake." He mumbled into my hair. I groaned and tried to turn onto my stomach.

"Whoa whoa," He said, pulling my back over to him. "Where do you thing your going?"

I turned to face him. He smiled and placed his forehead on mine.

"Did that really happen?" I smiled back at him. He kissed me for only a few seconds, using that as a response.

"Wow." I picked at my nails. "Well, I'm gonna go get dressed. Sky will be waking up at any moment now."

"Alrighty. I lo-" He quickly stopped himself from whatever he was saying. I shrugged and left the bedroom slowly. I slipped from his bedroom to mine swiftly and threw on a tank top and a pair of yoga pants.

Sky was soon banging on my door, as she usually did. She was going to sleep at my mom's house tonight, so the two were heading to see a movie today.

I helped put her things together in the All Time Low backpack I had gotten her a few weeks ago. I smiled and kissed her on the cheek before heading out the door with Sky just in front of me.

I buckled her into her car seat and I started the car up.

The car ride to my mom's took no longer than 10 minutes and we were now walking up to the door. Sky knocked three times before I heard my mom rushing down the hallway. The door pulled open and Sky ran up to her.

"Gramma!" She screamed and my mom picked her up off of the ground.

"Hello, sweetie. It's been almost two weeks since I've seen you." She sent a playful glance at me. "But come in dear god."

I walked through the door and closed it quickly behind me as I joined Sky and my mom in the living room. Sky was on the carpet playing with the barbies and cars that were always there.

"So-" My mother stopped before she could say anything. "Can you come into the kitchen with me, Olivia."

I nodded, slightly confused, and followed her into the kitchen.

"Who gave you that?" She pointed to my neck. She sounded almost excited. I obviously caught on to what she was talking about and scolded myself for not looking in the mirror before I left.

"Oh, that." I placed my hand on my neck, grazing the spot with my fingers slowly. I almost smiled as I remembered last night again.

"Well... It's kind of a long story but I have to leave right now so I'll talk to you about it tomorrow see you bye." I retorted all in one breath and ran quickly into the living room and kissed Sky on the forehead.

"Bye honey." I waved as I reached the door.

"Bye bye mommy." She waved back and gave me a toothy smile.

I almost ran out the door, but I walked swiftly to my car. I took a deep breath before pulling out of the driveway and started on my way home.

I reached the house in no time and walked in, only to smell toast.

"Frank?" I asked.

"In the kitchen." He answered. I pulled my jacket off and walked into the kitchen. Frank was there, wearing a dumb 'kiss the cook' apron, spreading jelly on a piece of toast.

"Your such a loser." I laughed and walked up to him.

"Are you going to listen to the apron or am I going to have to pull you in first?" He pouted his lips and help his arms open.

"I'm not kissing you when your wearing that stupid apron." I laughed and playfully flicked him.

"Ugh, fine." He pulled the apron over his head and threw it wherever. He leaned in and connected our lips. I smiled against his lips and pulled away from him.

"So," He asked, putting the PB & J in front of me. "What are we?"

"Whatever you want us to be." I bit my lip and took the sandwich. I sad at the island, picking at it.

"Alright, well..." He pondered a moment. "Come out here with me."

I grinned and took his hand. He lead me into his big backyard. It was a warmer day for November in New Jersey, but it was still kinda cold. He brought me over to a hill and stopped.

Down at the bottom of the hill was a small park.

"Race you." He smiled. I grinned back.

"On the count of three." I said. He nodded. "One... Tw- hEY!"

He began sprinting down the hill, me just a little behind him. He of course reached the park before me.

"Cheater." I whined. He shrugged his shoulders before taking a seat on the swing. I took the seat beside his.

"You look great today." He smiled at me. I lowered my head as my cheeks became warm. "Hey, look over at me."

I looked over at him. "Do you remember this park?" He asked.

I looked around, just to realize this had been where Frank and I used to hang out when we were younger.

"Oh my god!" I squealed. I jumped off the swing and grabbed his hand, pulling him under the slide with me. We both knew exactly where to look.

Frank & Olivia
Best Friends

Written there for so long it hurt. Damn, 15 years ago.

"How's about we continue this?" I stated. I took a pen from my coat pocket that I must have grabbed yesterday or something.

Still Going
F & O

I wrote. There. It was perfect.


alright! thank you guys for reading! i just started a jaime preciado (from ptv) fic, so if you want you can check that out + my other frank story if you'd like.

for now, it is farewell.

xx abby

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