Dare 18: Transform Potion

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Sketch: You wanted do to what?!

Four: It's for Devoun! 

Sketch: Okay, but what about Rose

Four: She working now and she have headphones

Sketch: I hate you Four . . .

Rose's Room:

Rose: *Drawing*

Sketch: *Quietly sneak in*

Sketch: *Whisper* Oh god, where is this potion. Oh, there is! Got it!

Sketch: Wait, there a love potion! No, I can't inferred with Kreek's relationship. . . .  

Four: *Shouting* What taking so long!

Rose: *Take off headphones* What-?!

Four: *Shout* Nothing!

Rose: Oh, okay!

Sketch: *Quickly run out*

Four: You got it?

Sketch: There *Hold it* I'm done for today . . . .

Four: Thank you *Grab it* Devoun!!!

Devoun: What is mate! I was middle of watching a epic battle with Sonic and Willow!

Four: Dare now and watch Wild Craft later!

Four: Now, drink this potion!

Devoun: I'm not that stupid and I'm not drink that! *Drink it*

*Transform to Russo Plays*

Devoun (Russo): IM ONE OF THE JUDGES!!!

Four: Now, I'm going to teleport you to Dj and Sabrina's Studio and pretend  to be Russo!

Devoun (Russo): Okay!

Teleported Devoun (Russo) to Studio*

Devoun (Russo): Hey, Guys!

Dj: Oh Russo, you didn't tell us you were coming

Sabrina: Russo, come on we have to write a song!

Devoun (Russo): Oh, um . . . 

Dj Phone: Ping!

Dj: Wait, Russo said he on his way . . . but

Sabrina: ?

*Potion were off*

Devoun: *Laugh Nervously* Um . . . Ahoy?

Dj and Sabrina: YOU! 

Devoun: *Start to run* Four?! HELP ME!!!

Teleport back*

Four: So how was it?

Devoun: I'm not doing to a another dare with the Judges

Four: I'm end this chapter!

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