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In my mind I've started this story so many different times, in so many different ways. Each one having its own characteristics and life. Then I settled on this one. Because choosing any one of the others would not have given the opening the impact visually that I want you to get.

Let me tell you who I am. I am a child that never really got to be a child. I am a teenager that is full to bursting with ideas and dreams that have already been extinguished with out my knowing. I am the teen that wants to fit in but is always on the outside peeking in. I am the young adult that wants to leave their mark on the world but is too full of doubt to even start. I am the brokenhearted girlfriend of many failed attempts at love, that wonders why she is never enough, or good enough, for someone to make her their forever. But oh how I am so much more.

I will not tell you my name. Why?? Because, maybe perhaps I am your mom, or your neighbor, or your best friend. Perhaps I am the person you pass on the street everyday that you throw a passing smile at. Perhaps maybe I am even you. Why do I say this?? Because at some point in time in life someone has felt this very same way, or has had this very same thing happen to them in some way or another. They just haven't let it be known. Then again maybe they have, but only to a select few. Either way, placing a name on this story won't help you see me. So just call me by whatever name you feel suits me as you read this. This way the face you put with the words will stick with you and give the words more meaning to you. Because maybe you do know someone like me and you were the select few they told their story to. If so, then maybe by reading this you can further understand what they felt and feel.
I hope you enjoy reading my short story. Don't forget to vote and comment on each chapter.

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