Author's Note

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Thank you for taking your time and reading my story. This story was hard to write in some ways. Although the character in the story is fictional as well as some of the situations she was in, the abuse is quite real. Sadly too many people in this world have faced this type of abuse, I am one of them. Writing this story was a kind of release for some of that pain that has been forced down for years. I hope in some ways those of you that have gone through abuse can find some form of healing in reading this as I did by writing it. We are survivors, and although most of are scars are unseen, they are there. We are stronger, more passionate, and have an iron will to continue to go on to spite them. We have made it through this far, let's make it through to the end. Although the tears from remembering it might fall, let us never give it the power to take us down anymore. We survived.

God bless.

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