The First Meeting

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It was the first day at school and the sun had barely risen in the sky. The school was fairly new and the landscape was mowed recently so everything smelled like manure. Not the best way to start my day. I was standing at the entrance scared to even walk in. Finally I got up the nerve to finally do it and felt an instant chill run down my back. "God it's freezing in here..." I quickly unwrapped my security jacket from around my waist. The moment I put it on I felt someone look my way. I turned around to see a tall striking man with a spiky red Mohawk. 

 That guy was definitely a punk. He looked me right in the eyes and it caught me off guard. He looked me up and down slowly....way to slowly if you ask me. He got up from the table nearby and started to walk over to me. Before I could even start to walk away he was already in front of me. The guy looked down at me from above with a cocky manner and smirked. "Hey, you new here?" I nodded. "Y-yeah it's my first names-" He hummed in response and cut me off before I could finish. "I find you interesting..."

 I gave him a confused look. "Interesting how? You don't know me, I just moved here, you know." He started to circle around me, looking at me from all angles with his hand on his chin in curiosity. "Hmm I just do but I gotta see for myself just how truly interesting you really are." I started to back away from him and he followed me wearing that same cocky smirk on his face. He then cornered me to the wall and said "Three days." 

I gave him a confused look. "Three days for what?? Get off of me!" I tried to get away but he held me in place. "Three days to see just how interesting you are. That's all the time I need!" He then moved back and started to walk away. "You have three days to impress me~! Welcome to Upper Dublin, Zack~!" How did this guy know my name??? I suddenly checked the time and yelped "Shit...I'm late for english" I Can worry about the Mohawk guy later. Class is more important than some over sized bully. 

 I made it to class in the nick of time and right as I sat down the bell blared. The teacher looked up from her computer and squinted her eyes at me when she spotted me sit in the front seat.. "Oh! We have a new student here today don't we?" I suddenly felt the whole class look at me. And when they did I felt a pit in my stomach. I hope they don't look too hard at me.

"Why don't you introduce yourself to your classmates Zack!"


"Um.. hi I'm Zack I'm from chicago...and well during the summer I went to a Cop camp of sorts it was fun I guess and-" I suddenly froze up. He was here. That dumbass Mohawk guy. When I spotted him his already present grin grew wider. The teacher looked up to me when I stopped talking and saw who I was staring at. "Zack, have you already met Lincoln ?! Oh that's great you already have a new friend! I'll seat you next to each other then!" I quickly turned to the teacher to protest but Lincoln answered for me. "That's a great idea Mrs. Love me and Zack are such great friends aint that right Zack!" 

He gave me a fake innocent smile and I returned it with a grimace. "Sure..." The second bell rang signifying the start of class. "Oh darn you can finish your introduction later Zack! Go ahead and take your seat!" I dragged myself over to the open seat next to Lincoln the whole time Lincoln smiled at my annoyance. "You're probably wondering why I know your name isn't ya? I had to do some digging honestly to make sure it was you." I looked at him and rolled my eyes. Looks like I got found out just what I needed. "Well I do wanna know how you know my name! I've never met you before in my life." Lincoln leaned closer to me and whispered "oh yes you have you just don't remember~!" I gave him a curious look. 

"It was 8th grade back then I was a nerdy loser like you-" I glared at him "hey!-" He covered my mouth with his hand and continued talking. "And that day I was getting bullied by this guy named Kyle. That guy was a real douche~! He is one of the reasons I'm happy I moved away from chicago". Oh? He used to live in my old state? "And then you came with your huge hero complex and punched him square in the face in an effort to protect me....Back then you had long hair and you didn't transition yet. It was pretty cool for a second. To see a girl punch a guy square in the face." Dang I don't remember ever doing that but man I sound so cool. "Too bad you were weak though you got absolutely pummeled-" Nevermind. 

"But I never forgot your kindness that day....I've been thinking of you since then even when I saw how you changed...I still thought of you." Thought of me? Why? "Wait what do you mean-" Mrs. Love interrupted us with a loud smack of a ruler to my desk. "Let's try to pay attention alright kids~!" We nodded. The rest of class went by slow but every now and then I felt him stare at me. I wasn't creeped out or anything...should I have been? I started to doze off and eventually fell asleep. As I slept I swore I felt a faint kiss on my cheek. When I woke up I believed I was the last person in the class. I was seriously gonna be late this time. 

When I started to move I heard Lincoln say "Are u sleeping?" I froze, maybe if I didn't move he wouldn't bother me. I stayed quiet. "Hmmm is that so.." I felt him slowly approach me and stand in front of my desk. "You know your mighty cute you know?" What?!? I started to freak out, why won't he leave already!! "hehe...I know you're not sleeping Zack~!" he's bluffing there's no way he knows. He suddenly goes quiet. Is he still here? Right when I was gonna start to move That fucker blew in my ear and I screamed! "HAHAHAHA OMG YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR FACE!!" I glared at him and yelled "leave me alone!" and started to run to my next class.

This guy is gonna be the end of me. 

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