Gay Rage

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The next day I woke up before my alarm went off. Just how I like it. I like my day to be efficient and precise.

So yeah yesterday was shit.

Everything was not up to my standards. But today I'm gonna completely avoid Lincoln. I won't run into that guy once! I showered and brushed my teeth in exactly 25 minutes. I took my T in a  Needle in precisely one second.  And got dressed in 10 minutes and I slipped on my binder without looking down. extremely swiftly. Today I was sporting an entire military outfit. I was wearing all camo. Some annoying guy today might even say they can't see me. I don't care though because I know I look great.

Ever since I cut my hair last summer I've never looked better. By this time I still had 45 minutes before I had to drive to school. I went downstairs and greeted my mom. My fathers been gone for a few weeks on a so-called business trip. The truth is he's out at the casino cheating on mom. I hate that guy but I sorta feel bad for her. When I came down the steps she smiled at me with her missing teeth almost resembling a broken piano.

"Hey Sweetie heading to school?" she then leaned down and sniffed the white sustenance that was lined up on the table. I turned away and nodded. "Yeah I'm heading out now.." she whipped her nose and looked up at me "But baby school doesn't start until 8:00 it's only 7:06?" I ignored her and walked to my car. I'm ashamed of her but I know it's not her fault...she had a hard life. We both did. I started my car and Riptide started playing while I drove. What a cliche...what is this a Wattpad story? It was exactly a 16.6-minute drive to school so I'd be way early.

This time I won't be late for class. When I pulled up at the school barely anyone was there. I decided to give myself a little tour of the place. I went toward the music hall to look around. I got here early so nobody should be there right now. Yeah, I was wrong. I heard a loud scream that shook me to my core. And the sting of a guitar and bass. The beat was hypnotizing and my foot was already thumping before the lyrics even began.




Then the guitar did the coolest solo I've ever heard in my life. Who are these people?? I started to walk over to where the music was coming from. Slowly I took a peek into the room and was shocked to see Lincoln singing!







The way Lincoln sang was filled with so much anger and despair. I can tell he can relate to what he's singing. The song was pretty good for a high school band. As I watched them perform I guess you could say I was really impressed with Lincoln. When the song was over I decided not to overstay my welcome so I turned away to leave. "Ok, you can come in now Zack~!"

Of fucking course he saw me.

I walked in anyway. What's the harm? "I liked your song Lincoln, what's it about?" Lincoln walked over to the nearest chair and sat down. His bandmates looked at me knowingly and seemed to have some inside joke I didn't get. "I don't know? Pain maybe?" Lincoln pulled out a vape from his pocket and took a hit of it. He blew out the smoke and his eyes glossed over for a moment or two then continued talking. "Yeah..pain I guess you can say I've been wronged before." I could tell. I've never heard him yell like that before. Well, I just truly met him yesterday so I guess I wouldn't know honestly. "I'm guessing the band name reflects that pain?" he smiled a bit at that. "yeah our band called Gay Rage cause we hate the Cis Hets and we are angry at the world I thought it fit well"

It does fit well because I felt that energy in the lyrics...I could tell Lincoln did not like talking about his writing process or the band's name and stuff like that so I decided to change the subject. "So...who are your bandmates?" Lincoln turned around and waved the two punks over. "Hey I'm X I'm a sophomore and I play the drums nice to meet ya" X walked up to me and gave me a firm handshake. "Nice to meet you X my name is-" X interrupted me. "Yeah, your name is Zack. I know already."


"Cool...and what's your name?" I pointed to the guy right next to X. He smirked and replied. "figure it out hot stuff" Well...looks like someone is a playboy. Lincoln walked in front of him and gave him a quick glare while doing so. "this is Mel" lincoln gave him a disgusted look before saying "this dude is the biggest playboy I know he plays guitar like a pro though." Mel smirked in accomplishment and walked up to me and kissed my hand. "you're quite a sight my love do you have a lover? if you don't-" Mel pulled a piece of paper out of thin air and put it in my pocket. "you know where to find me"

Lincoln looked pissed.

ok, this is getting a little weird.

I suddenly realized that class should be starting soon. well.. honestly I wanted to stay and hear them perform more. But school will always be more important to me. Way more than watching Lincoln sing like an angel and watch him sweat with dedication.

"uh..." Mel looked at me with lust. But, just when my fight or flight was about to kick in Lincoln, took my hand away from Mel and Led to me to the door.

"dang sorry, Mel looks like we gotta head to class" Before Mel could respond Lincoln Pulled me to my next class in the biggest rush I've seen him in so far. 

when we were far enough away from the practice room I finally spoke up. "so... what's the deal with Mel? I've never seen him in my life but he was already so into me." Lincoln bit his lips in nervousness. He definitely seems like he's hiding something.  "um let's just say he has a certain type that you just happen to be the perfect fit too." I lifted my eyebrows in confusion. "care to elaborate??" Lincoln opened his mouth to respond when just then the Bell rang signaling the start of the school day.

lincoln turned around to head to his class in the hurry definitely to avoid talking about whatever he won't say. but before he turned the corner he said.

"Stay away from Mel that guys not to be messed with."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2021 ⏰

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