chapter one

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The night is cold and here i was with no jacket walking home in it. My fingers brushed against the side of the building chilling them to the bone as I continued on my way home.

Consumed by the darkness of night there were no stars twinkling across the sky and the moon also was unable to be seen. I can't understand how I ended up on the street in the middle of the night looking around I see only a few street lights are working and the eerie silence is ringing in my ears. The feeling of being watched itched at the back of my neck sending unwanted chills down my spin.

The wind blew hard making me stumble as I threw my hands outward to catch my fall but wasn't fast enough when I collided with the ground I hissed feeling the pain come alive in my palms. 'Oww!' what is up with this wind?

The sound of foot steps pulled me from my thoughts and away from the pain I had just felt but when I looked up in the direction it came form all that could be seen was darkness.

' Hello?'

no answer.

' Is someone there?'

again no reply.

Holding my breath to calm the racing of my heart i take a stand to my feet I swallowed hard brushing my hands off on my PJ's as I searched with my eyes to find the object that made the noise and that's when I heard the foot steps again.

My heart hammered wildly in my chest as I twisted my body around in the direction it came from still not seeing a soul there.

' Who's th there,' I stammered.

No answer.

' this isn't funny!'

Dead silence..

My breathing was now uncontrollable as I started walking again while my hands crossed over my chest rubbing my bare arms to worm them slightly from the frost bitten cold.

'please god please please let me make it home' I prayed in my thoughts.

' Ahh,' I cried out as a sudden shot of pain went through my ankle making me jump away when a hiss like noise beamed in my ears looking to where I just stood a black cat flashed its fang like teeth at me and dashed off with a hiss into the dark alley way.
I glanced at my ankle to see that the cat scratch had drew some slight blood I whimper in pain when I begin to feel the burning blossom.

' Just calm down Michelle it was only a cat,'  I breathed in at the thought trying to slightly relax.

' Just a cat that's all!'

I was pulled from my thoughts at the sound of foot steps and through my peripheral vision just slightly out of the shadows of the night stood a dark clothed man like figured. I gasped turning fully in its direction only to find that there was no longer anyone there.

My heart now at war with my rib cage trying to break it's self free as my eyes scanned the area unable to see a thing. I turn back around to find myself speed walking in the direction of my home as fear racked over my body at hearing the foot steps also pick up pace. Looking over my shoulder briefly I see the figure stalking towards me now as he made no effort to hide him self anymore.

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