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AN*** hey everyone i hope you enjoyed the latest chapter thank you so much for the votes it means so much that you are taking the time to read and support the story as it grows I hope you connect with the characters as more POV's begin to show up if you find any mess ups please let me know I will fix them because these chapters have not been edited as of yet but when I have finished hopefully after they soon will be!!Don't forget to vote and comment if you like thanks again!***

(Recap:::'Beloved your mine.')

' I am no one's,' I spat just as a sharp sting pierced my wrist.

As if all the fight drained from my body everything around me seemed to slow, 'What did you do to me.'

Darkness beginning to consume my vision moments after the sharp pain consumed my wrist I tugged at my wrist to pull away but felt nothing but numbness at my joints.

My head tilted forward as I brought it back in a quick motion trying my hardest not to pass out but the black circles consuming my vision blinded me into the dark abyss that awaited my hammering heart and scattered thoughts.

"Michelle," The sound of my name being called from someone somewhere that I couldn't see.

The voice so masculine but yet serene the voice now seemed different from the one before and my heart ached to know who was on the other end of that voice that sent my body into a peaceful state of mind instead of the frightened one I was just in the feeling made me wish I could stay that way forever.

Pulling open my eyes I found my self in a foggy what appeared to be a open field surrounded by trees the only light beaming down was the quarter moon the beauty of the moon always warmed my heart the desire to be under it as its light rays brushed my skin felt more like home to me then my room.

A deep howl in the night caught my attention as I looked around me taking steps back towards the trees for safety. Swiftly I make a move for the trees. Scared of always being mauled by some type of animal made me think twice about going into any woods. Uff.! My body slammed into the ground as I felt something around my ankle. Tugging at my foot I look over my shoulder to see what snagged me to see a root had caught my dress.

Placing my other knee on the ground I sit up an reached over and unhooked the dress. 'I hope I didn't dirty my gown.' Standing up I glanced down and used my palms to brush away any debri that may be on it. This dress is lovely!

"Yes it is," A voice spoke stunning me as I look up into the direction. Did I say that out loud?

'Who are you,' I question?

"You know who I am," He assured.

His voiced pulled at my very body urging me to move closer to him but another part of me stood firm. Do I know this man I don't think I do!? the night has safely covered his facial features for me to not even get a good look at him properly.

'If you know me why are you in the shadows,' I reply.

"Come to me and I will let you look upon my face," He cooed.

Shaking my head no to stop that urging feeling to do as he says to a stop, ' no thank you.' I spoke unsure of my own words.

With that I go to turn and walk off. A shuffle behind me caused my heart to hammer in my chest! Should I run?! Before that thought even finished I felt a large hand clasp down around my wrist causing me to stop in my tracks as I looked back into the direction of the man only to see that it was still to dark to make out any features of his face.

I fell for the Beast!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن