Chapter Twenty-One

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I wobbled over to Jax who had a serious look on his face. Waiting for Jax's news, I sat down. “Donna was killed last night”. I gasped. My hands fell from my lap. “What- I don't- what happened?”, I whimpered, my eyes were filled with tears. He let out a big sigh. “She was shot. We think it was black”. I stood up and looked at Jax, my hands on my belly. I paced through the kitchen, trying to comprehend. Jax put his hands around my waist, trying to stop me from making a hole in the floor. I pushed him away and cried, holding my hand in front of my mouth. He just stared at me, worried. I shouted, blaming Jax, blaming the club. He tried to calm me down, gripping my hands, stopping me from hitting him over and over. When I finally tired out, I fell into Jax's arm, sobbing.

We pulled up at TM for Donna's wake. There were a lot people, bringing flowers and food into the bar. Jax grabbed my hand and led me in. I was met with a crying Gemma, embracing me. I hugged her back. Opie was sitting on the couch holding his head in his hands. I approached him, and he looked at me with blood shot eyes. A single tear ran down my cheek and I stroked his dark hair. He put his arms around me and cried into my clothes. The lump in my throat grew bigger as Opie's eyes drained. A second later a steady stream of tears were rolling down, some falling onto Opie. Jax and the rest of the club went into the chapel. He looked so angry.

It had been five weeks since Donna died, and Opie had been home for a few hours over those weeks. I was talking to Gemma when the club came in and Opie was full of cuts on arms and face. I grabbed the first aid kit and dragged Opie along with me. He grabbed a flask out of his cut and chugged down, what I assume was alcohol. “What happened?”, I asked quietly. “He took an unnecessary risk, blowing up a crank lab”, Jax interrupted before Opie even processed the question. I cleaned up the large cut Opie had crossing his forehead. He oozed of weed and alcohol. He didn't even flinch when I soaked his cuts in alcohol. “We're gonna clean you up, and we'll pick your kids up and go home”, I announced. “I don't think so”, Opie whispered. He met my stare. “I know you lost your wife, but your children lost their mother. They need you”, I said and pushed a cotton ball in his cut, harder than necessary. I got the reaction I wanted. Ope nodded in silence and put his flask down. I pointed to the bathroom and demanded that he take a shower. “I'll be waiting in the car”, I said and watched him go into the bathroom.

I followed Opie to the front door of his mother's house. He hesitated, so I knocked on the door for him. Mary opened the door and called after Opie's kids. The two children ran over and embraced their father. Opie showed no emotion what so ever. When we got to his house, I dug out some food and started to make dinner. The kids were playing outside, so I asked Opie to help me cook. “I miss her so much”, he whispered. I stroked his arm and let him know I understood his pain.

I was out shopping with Grace and Gemma when I suddenly felt pain in my lower abdomen. I let out a loud groan as I crouched down. Grace ran over and put her hand on my shoulder. “Oh my god, are you okay?”. The pain stopped and I got up. “I'm fine. Just cramps”, I assured her. The pain shot back and I shouted even louder. Gemma noticed my agony and grabbed my arm and lifted me up. “We gotta get you to the hospital”.

What you were experiencing were Braxtion Hicks contractions”, the doctor said.

I gave him a look of confusion.

It's perfectly normal, and everything is okay with your baby. These contractions are what we call false labor contractions”, he explained. “You've got about eight weeks left, and I hope I won't see you here until then”, he laughed and left me to get dressed.

When I entered the waiting room, Grace and Gemma were waiting. They both turned their heads quickly and looked at me, expecting answers. That's when Jax came marching in. He kissed me on the forehead. “Are you alright? The baby?”, he asked with worry in his voice. I nodded. “Everything is fine, bullshit contractions”, I replied. Jax sighed in relief and so did Gemma and Grace. 

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