Plans for the Future

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Seeing my grandfather somehow didn’t surprise me, but seeing his eyes, did.  As I stood up and looked at him, I saw that they weren’t his usual color of brown like the pictures mother showed me.

They were gold, just like mine and moms were.

And as he looked at me, I knew what he was seeing…his daughter, when she was my age.

The jig was up, as they said in old movies.  As I touched his hand, I could see everything that had happened up until this moment, but what I was focused on was my mother…secrets that she kept from me, from when she was a kid, and how she broke apart when my father left my mother.  The last bit I got was how he was changed not even four months ago, when a vengeful vampire came to kill my mother, deciding to kill him instead, but only biting him before his wolf friends came to his aid, staying with him the whole three days as he changed, feeling guilty that he got there too late.

He was going to take off, but the pack allowed him to stay, even allowed to visit the reservation as long as he stuck to the ‘vegetarian’ diet.

But he never stopped looking for my mother, and as I saw into his present state of mind, he now had hope that he’d somehow found her, through me.

With my hand still clasped into his, I sent him my thoughts.  Come with me, through the woods.  I’ll take you to her.

His eyes got big with surprise as he followed me, the whole time neither of us talking as I carried on my back a pack full of food and pushed my bicycle, walking at a human pace until we reached the woods.  I could tell he was nervous: he was thinking about how she changed, what she looked like…he had suspicions that she was like him, but any of this he didn’t voice to me…I just happened to hear it.

When we finally reached the Cullen’s house, I found the van completely empty, which wasn’t too odd, but the house was eerily quiet, for some odd reason.

We kept on, walking inside and up the stairs, but nobody was in the living room.  “Mom?” I called out, which had my grandfather’s eyes practically bugging out of his head.  I chuckled at that.  His thoughts told both him and me that the math didn’t add up.  If Bella did have a child, surely she would still be an infant.  This child looks at least six, if not older.

I smiled at that, winking as my mother walked in to the room.  “I am only a year old.  At least almost,” I said to him, and he gawked at me in surprise while I chuckled.  I held up our entwined hands.  Mom was standing at the doorframe, leaning against it as she shook her head and smirked in amusement.  “If I’m touching someone,” I began to explain in my wind-chime voice.  He was still shocked to hear it, since I’d only been talking to him through my mind link.  “I can connect with them, mentally, on both levels, meaning I can hear what you think, tell you what I think, as you remember,” I replied and he nodded, “and I can show people my memories and emotions, everything that’s happened to me since before I was even born.

He smiled, taking it all in.  I thought he’d collapse, even though it was impossible seeing as how he was a vampire.  Though he did choose to sit as he let what all he learned wash over him.  That’s when he pulled me to him, hugging me.  Mother walked over to us, sitting down and hugging us, as well.  They wanted to cry and I was bawling my eyes out as grandpa pulled me on to his lap.  When I finally calmed down enough to be able to form a coherent sentence, I wiped my eyes, smiling at them both, dazzling them.  Grandpa kissed my cheek when I sniffled, but soon my breathing evened out as I threw in my second surprise.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2015 ⏰

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