Claim the immortality

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3 weeks later

That afternoon, Kai enters the central of warriors, and sees Saruno and Reigen "hey" he called out to them. Reigen rushed to him to see what was up "hey Kai, what's going on, another mission?! Please tell me!" she said with puppy eyes.

Saruno sighs "I feel like you have too much energy since we just came from one!" Reigen chuckles. "There is no such thing as too much energy!" she says with confidence. Kai proceeded to talk as his friends bickered "the mission is requested from the leaders, that includes your sister". "Oh yeah right.." Saruno sighed, Kai nodded and passed him a file on the mission but proceeded to ask "Are you okay there? Ever since the destruction of Sinkton, you've been down" Reigen joined in "Yeah, they hurt you, I expected you to be glad". "Uh, no it's her, I'm just worried she might go a bit too far, if you know what I mean" he explained, Kai understood his situation. Kai puts his hand on his shoulder "listen it's fine, plus I bet she still cares and none of this will effect her in any bad way shape or form" he smiled. Saruno hugged him "thanks Kai.." Kai flustered by this hugged him back "y-yeah" Reigen jumped in, causing them to fall "oh come on Reigen don't make a scene out of this!" Kai scolded, other magikans stared at them. "Let's look at the files now" Kai proceeded as Reigen still held on "that means, it's time to get serious..." she chuckled and stopped.

The file said:

Jantan nights

profession- Hunting, assassination, theft.

Members: Rin Hinata, Sakura Yui, Natsu Yui, Kuro Yamato and Ishiki Yuta.

Leader: Toshinori Miyamura.

Info: The Jantan nights are a group of criminals from the country of Jantan, they stole some of the most precious of treasures and hunted many Magikans. They originated from the poor town of Ritsuo, they are masters of alchemy, magic incantations and fighting of many kinds. Their most hideous crime is the murder of Rintos Glaow, the protector of earth and it's living beings.

Along with the info, it showed a symbol with a black, dripping katana Saruno and Kai took in the news "wait, they killed him? A peace keeper?!" Kai read the file even further with disgust, while Saruno read along. "Out of all the humans I've heard of, these guys are the most revolting" Saruno described them, Reigens look at the file to see. "Oh these guys, haven't seen them in a while, uh what do we need to do?" Reigen casually said, Saruno and Kai were in shock said "you know them?!". She looks at their shocked faces and laughed "of course, they have good relations to the lab I was raised in, I don't know if they still have connections today". Kai sighed and said "so you knew about them and didn't bother to tell us?!" Reigen looked at him and scoffed "well you guys didn't ask, so I didn't say a word okay?". "It has been months since they were first wanted, they are famous everyone knows them. They even taught it to us back at training and you still said nothing!" Kai complained. Saruno said along "lets not waste our breath fighting each other, when we could be fighting these Jantan nights okay?" they both stopped and nodded. They head to the counter to accept the mission and head through a portal. But before they entered, Reigen stopped in her tracks to remind them of a few things "oh and others did this mission before, but they either died or got scarred for life" which made the boys have even more stuff to worry about "sorry" she said.

5 hours 

They need to climb a huge mountain known to the humans as Mount Atmos, it was so cold they had layers of clothing on including coats that were rough but warm.  With there inhuman like abilities it was quicker then climbing like a normal human. "It's fine! I believe the lab is just above us!" Reigen pointed at the top of a mountain, while holding a grip. Saruno and Kai were tired from climbing "oh come on! how big is this thing?!" Kai shouted, Reigen  had a thought for a second and said "not even the humans know how big this is so I don't know either". The Hailaz stopped in his track "we have been climbing for 4 hours, and I see nothing" she looked at him and answered with "it's fine we are half way there!". The boys sighed and continued to climb. "This is taking forever" Kai shouted "as Saru said, don't waste your beath, especially now!" she called out.

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