∞ notes ∞

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please read this whole thing! 


my book and means that the events in the vampire diaries universe will occasionally be moved or completely removed, as well as events being added in, to fit my storyline. this means that some events may not be in the appropriate timeline. please do not leave comments such as 'this doesn't happen until x -' or 'this happened x episodes before', because everything is intentional in this book. please do not take this literally or critically.
i do not own or control any characters from the vampire diaries universe, nor do i have any affiliation with the show or its actors. i only own amirah and any other original characters, and their storylines.
furthermore; i am not justifying or encouraging any negative actions that i create for this story. as we all know, tvd isn't exactly a show for kids, so my writing will include these events as well as ones that i conjure up to continue the book storyline.

trigger warning

this book will contain topics such as violence, death, gore, abuse, swearing and harsh language, alcohol use, sexual content and more. if you are uncomfortable with any of the content mentioned, please do not be afraid to click off of this book. 
there will be trigger warnings at the beginning of every chapter, for anything such ranging from swearing, sexual content and mentions of sharp objects, all the way to death, gore and violence. while these moments will not be pointed out specifically in these chapters, i hope the trigger warnings will help you realise if you need to skip a chapter. if you ever need a recap, please feel free to let me know in the comments and i'll pm you and describe it the best way i can, in a way that avoids your triggers! 
your mental health is very important, and so is protecting it.


the moral right of the author has been asserted. all rights reserved. this story is published subject to the condition that it shall not be reproduced or transmitted in whole or in part, in any manner, without the written consent of the copyright holder. any infringement of this is a violation of copyright law.

{ copyright © 2021 padlockedhearts. all rights reserved. }

as some of you know, with one of my previous books (kingdom come) i have had a lot of issues with people copying my work. i think of myself as a tolerant person, i have let much of it slide and even continue to let people copy my work with no credit or acknowledgement. there are several authors i have conversed with who have my full permission to take inspiration from my work so long as they credit me for it.

unfortunately, because of the hate and online harassment i occasionally receive from people not understanding this (as well as constant messages accusing me of stealing their work rather than the other way around) i have decided that this is the best possible action. i understand that it is incredibly hard to come out with original content given how many books are out there, and how many storylines exist - i know i won't be the only person to think of a book like this.
however, if i am made aware of a book that has plainly taken some of my ideas (that i work very hard to come up with), i will be messaging the authors and asking for the books to be taken down. if i am messaged before the book is published, i will discuss it fully with the author - and 99% of the time i will give written permission. all that i ask is that my ideas are credited appropriately.

in addition to this, i know i am not an exception to the rule and laws of copyright. should i stumble across an idea that i like, or i think would fit my storyline - given that it's more specific than a basic plot - i will message the author and ask permission to use it as inspiration. if / when given permission, i will be sure to credit the author in the chapter of the content.

THIS IS A SAFE SPACE! no matter your skin colour, your gender, your sex, your sexuality - anything at all - you are all welcome here.
any hate left on this book will be reported and deleted, and depending on the content of your comment, i may also report your account. i do not tolerate any form of bullying or harassment on my page, nor in any of my books. 

this also goes for normal comments also. i moderate my comments, a lot. i see each and every one of them, good or bad. whether it's just an emoji or smiley face, or a full blown essay, i will read it. as i said before, mental health is important. if something hurts my feelings, your comment will be silently deleted.
additionally, although fictional characters, if your comments are demeaning or hateful towards something or someone in my book, your comment will be silently deleted. you never know if someone reading has the same characteristic that you just negatively commented on, and i don't want to risk someone being hurt from seeing something on my book.

long story short - if you're thinking of commenting something negative -- don't! :)

update schedule:

for my frequent readers, you'll know that my updating schedule is very chaotic and all over the place. i went from updating several times a day and finishing 200 chapters within two months with my first book, to publishing 45 chapters in nearly a year for the sequel. unfortunately, there are sometimes long gaps (a few months) between updates. this is mainly due to my mental health - namely my adhd, which makes it very difficult to focus on writing, especially if i'm distracted or simply have no motivation to do it. i occasionally get moments of hyper-focus with writing, so i try and make the most of those times (though this mostly just happens with reading books). please be patient and try not to comment asking - or demanding - for an update as it can get very stressful and it does all sorts of things to my mental health that i'll spare the details of.

a tiny bit about me:

my full name is stevie aña, i am 18 years old and i live in london, england!
i am a white pansexual girl who struggles with mental health issues such as diagnosed anxiety, depression, ptsd and adhd.
i also suffer from being short and ginger. tragic.

thank you very much for reading, and i hope you enjoy

∞ the queen of the kings ∞

The Queen of the KingsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang