Chapter 1. Stanza Rosso

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Jack Bellincioni is one of the 103 senior students at the Stanza Rosso academy, a similar school as the red room academy in Russia. Jack was brought here by his parents when he wasn't even a week old and has been in training for almost 19 years now. Raised and trained by the worlds fiercest and toughest teachers, he and his fellow students are to be the most dangerous generation of assassins yet. Jack has always been at the top of his class and had no trouble going through any of the horrific experiences that the academy forced on him.

It was near the end of the year and tomorrow there will be an event called "Di Debolezza" which means the weakness. It is an event where 2 students will be selected to fight each other. Weakness is not tolerated so the loser should rather want to die then to beg for mercy. Later this week the graduation ceremony will release this generation of assassins into the world.

Jack and the rest of the graduating students had their vasectomy due today, which was the last assignment they had to go through before graduating


Jack's point of view


I woke up, slowly opened my eyes to be greeted by bright hospital lights and a serious doctor

"Congratulations Mr Bellincioni" he said
"Your vasectomy was successful" he added before I noticed my mentor standing in the corner with a big, yet serious smile on his face

"We are very satisfied to see that you have finalized your education program now" he said

"Your graduation will be on Thursday, where you will be presented an award for being the highest performing graduating student yet" he said seriously

"You made me very proud Mr Bellincioni" my mentor said

"Thank you Mr Giona" I nodded

"Go to your room now and rest Mr Bellincioni, your missions will start Thursday" he said and walked out

A nurse came in and started speaking Softly with the doctor and they walked out shortly after

As my consciousness grew I started to sit up straight and try to find my balance

There was a cup of water and a cookie on the side table and I gladly consumed it all

After eating the cookie my sight returned to normal and I wasn't dizzy anymore so I got dressed in my uniform and stood up

I exited the room and still felt a little sick but walked to my room at the other side of the building

I often wonder about who my parents were, even though they tried to brainwash that out of me. There weren't many boys starting their studies here as young as I did and that makes me wonder why my parents decided to leave me here while I was still so young.

It was almost 9 pm too, so bed time would start soon as well

I already sat down on my bed waiting for the guards while my 2 roommates stared at me with a worried look

I looked one of them straight in the eyes and he looked away immediately. He's lucky none of the guards are around because weakness and fear like this is not tolerated by any means.

My roommates were not senior students yet and they still had a couple of years of training ahead of them

"What are you afraid of?" I asked as I heard the guards going from room to room

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