Chapter 2. Quaminy

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I slowly woke up with the most agonizing pain throughout my whole body and heard a weird otherworldly language

I was hooked up to multiple glowing machines and didn't know what was going on

There were three tubes going into each of my arms and they were pumping a glowing serum into my body which made me glow a little bit

"What are you doing to me ?" I said as I felt the thick liquid running through my veins

The leader of them sprinted in front of me and held my face

"You're awake!" He said enthusiastically with the worst breath in history

He shook my head around as if he was looking for something and flickered some light in my eyes as well

"I think a congratulations is in order, Mr Bellincioni" the alien started

"You are one of the few humans who hasn't died yet" he said

"Yet?" I asked

"Mm mm" he confirmed

"Let me do a little explaining to you Mr Bellincioni" he said

"We are Morai, from the planet Mora" he started
"Our planet is continuously being attacked by Serai, because they think we want to conquer their planet" he said

"Do you ?" I asked

"No!" He said

"Well.. yes, but not in the near future" he said

"Anyways, on the planet Mora there is an extremely rare element called Quaminy which the Serai are also after. And we have found a way to inject it into someone's body which gives them extreme powers" he said

"Powers like what?" I asked

"Stop interrupting me! jeesshhh" he said

"And we don't actually know what kind of powers, so far we have tried many many different types of bodies, we visited all planets to try to find the perfect body to inject the quaminy in to, but were unsuccessful" he said

"Until now" he said

"Your body seems to accept the quaminy really well" he said

"Do you see this?" And he pointed to a diagram of I guess my DNA strang

"This was your DNA before we injected the quaminy" he said
"This is your DNA now" he said after swiping on it

I saw golden buds flowing towards the DNA strand and actually binding with it too

"What happens to the bodies who don't accept the qua- qua mi-" I said struggling with the weird name of the substance

"Quaminy?" He said

"Their DNA gets torn apart by it, leading to a malforming body and a very painful death" he said

"So what do you expect me to do for you with these new powers ?" I asked

"Oh that's easy" he said

"Even if you don't want to fight for us, manipulation is something we have been good at for quite some time now" he said And I didn't respond since my brain failed to work out a plan to escape

I looked around the room and saw 6 more guys waking up

"I'll leave you alone for now, but I'll be back once the quaminy has bonded with all of your DNA" he said and smiled before flying off

There was a percentage counter on another monitor and it was at 24% now

The pain in my body was unreal, I have never felt anything like this.. it felt like I could feel every single particle of the quaminy bonding to my DNA and it hurt like hell

The Newest Avenger, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now