Chapter 8

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Tubbo pov

I grabbed on to Ranboo with one hand and the handle bars of my bike with the other as I dragged both of them twords the park.

"What is happening?" I heard Ranboo ask as I let go of him a second later.

"We are done at Tommy's because he's in an ass like mood." I responsed, trudging forward with both hand on my bike.

"What does that- okay then." He responded as we soon approached the park a few blocks away. Laying down my bike near a tree as we walked twords the swings, Ranboo offering to push me as I agreed for the heck of it.

I took in a breath of the air that blew against my face, letting out a sigh and enjoying the silence with the other.

"Is it my fault that I invited you over suddenly?" I spoke up, just going through my thoughts with the other.

"No of course not, it was really nice of you. I enjoy both of your company I just feel bad for being in the middle of this argument with your best friend." He replied as I dragged my feet in the dirt to stand up again.

"It's not your fault at all Boo, I probably should have asked at least instead of just assuming you would be welcomed over. I'm sure next time you'll be able to stay for dinner! Phil makes the best dinners ever." I hugged onto the taller boy gently as I was greeted with his arms shyly around me.

"That sounds wonderful, I'm excited to try some." He replied as we soon let go of each other.

"Yeah. Now... Your it!" Barely hitting his shoulder at his height I ran off, hearing his footsteps right behind me as we ran around the entire park until he caught up to me.

Tommy pov

Hearing Phil call us down for dinner I made my way twords the kitchen, not sure what to tell him since Tubbo wasn't here for once.

"Hey Tommy, how was school?" My father questioned as I sat down at the table.

"Oh yeah it was good, and Tubbo already went to his place for dinner as well." I added, earning a raised eyebrow from him. Thankfully he seemed to ignore that as Techno and Wilbur sat down as well.

Hearing the three of them chat about their days, me adding a few words here or there as I waited for the food to be ready.

Continuing the conversation as they all ate I reconsidered my thoughts of what I said to Tubso. He was or is still my best friend and I over reacted to this Ranboob guy. Glancing up at the mention of my name I glance to Wilbur who seemed to be reading my thoughts.

"Also Tommy, who was that new guy here too? I saw him... roller skating here with you and Tubbo?" The brunette spoke as I accidentally let out an annoyed sigh.

"His name is Ranboo, or Ranboob, and yeah he's friends with Tubbo now." Thats all I wanted to say about him, not get into any more details and call that good about this subject.

"Oh that's nice! You should invite them both back over for dinner tomorrow Tom." Hearing Phil's "wise words" I just nodded in response, not really having a choice except to bring the two back here tomorrow and try to apologize or something.

574 words

Quick thing: Let me know if you enjoyed two povs this time instead of just one character the entire chapter, I was having a hard time focusing on one person per chapter so this is a bit more easier for me as well. Have a great day/night now! :))

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