This love that you wish to gain requires a sacrifice you aren't willing to give

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                              An ascension towards Heaven is awe-inspiring,

                          I have never seen you more beautiful and enticing;

                          But I still want you grounded down here with me,

                               Don't go too far away wherever you maybe.

                             I don't think you understand the word eternal,

                       How it will transcend through anything that is mortal;

                            But what you and I feel is utterly unchangeable,

                             So, maybe, eternal doesn't seem so miserable.


The morning sun bathed the open ground of the Institute's courtyard. Both of them were standing in the middle of the area. They wore black, sleeveless shirts and both of their Virtutis runes were exposed. Standing at the edge of the courtyard were Magnus, Isabelle and Clary, looking nervous and anxious. Aside of five of them, the area was deserted. Jace stood behind Alec - on the left side - like he was supposed to in Alec's visions; the Virtutis rune itched at his palm.

After Edward had left the Institute yesterday, Jace and Alec had decided that they wanted to try activate the rune the day after. The idea of using the rune outside the vision excited both of the Shadowhunters. Jace wanted to see how the ascension to become an Angel would look. While Alec still scoffed at the thought him becoming an Angel, Jace could see curiosity burning in those hazel eyes. Alec wanted to know as well. When they told Magnus about their plan, Magnus simply nodded his head and asked at what time he should be there.

Magnus had no words of protest because the warlock knew that whether the parabatai pair tried it tomorrow or later, Alec was only going to get worse and not better. Even now, the bright morning sunlight accentuated Alec's increasingly pale and sunken face, reminding Magnus how rapidly Alec was deteriorating. Plus, who knew? Maybe the rune could miraculously help Alec and how was that not a good thing? So, here he was, standing at the side of the courtyard, anxiously waiting for this experiment to start. His magic might not be able to help Alec, but he hoped his presence would reassure Alec and Jace in any possible way.

"Ready?" Jace asked Alec.

Alec glanced back at his parabatai. "Yes," Alec let out a long nervous breath. He didn't know what to expect from this. "Let's do this."

"Let us see you bathe in angelic light," Jace joked, shattering the tension. "Maybe you'll grow a pair of wings." Magnus snorted in amusement while Isabelle and Clary laughed softly.

"Hilarious." Alec said in a deadpan tone. But a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth was all the assurance that Jace needed. Just like that the tense atmosphere was diffused.

"Alright, here goes nothing." Jace took a deep breath. He raised his hand and placed it on Alec's own identical rune on his left shoulder like he had done a dozen times before when the visions assaulted his parabatai. Underneath his palm, he could feel Alec's muscles shifting in anticipation. He closed his eyes, calling out his angelic blood to activate his Strength and Stamina runes without stele. The runes glowed gold as they came alive and then, bracing himself, Jace activated the Angel's rune under his palm and felt Alec's own rune wake up and burn.

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