Late Nights with Bokuaka

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my boyfriend forced me to write bokuaka first so have a tooth rotting fluff :)


Bokuto had always been one to stay up late, and wake up early. It wasn't good for his overall health, sure, but he couldn't help it. It's just how his brain was wired.

On the other hand, his fiancee, Akaashi, couldn't stay up too late, or he'd sleep in till about 12 pm. This alone created a bit of a problem when they first moved in together, seeing as Bokuto would accidentally keep his lover up till the late hours of 2 am, and would wake him up around 7 am. This affected Akaashi a lot, in the way he worked, how he would fall asleep at his desk, and how he'd forget a lot of things.

Bokuto always felt a ping of guilt when he'd see his lover dragging his feet in the morning, and would always make him breakfast, his favorite type of coffee, and send him off with many kisses. Akaashi was thankful for the small gestures, but there was no making up how exhausted he felt.

One morning, Akaashi didn't wake up in time for work, despite Bokuto's best efforts. He was late, and he got scolded by his boss. This made Akaashi have to sit down and have a small talk with Bokuto.

“Kou, I love you so so much, and you know that, but we have to find a way for me to get some sleep. I love spending those late hours with you..but—” Akaashi sighed, as he took ahold of the his lovers hands, smiling softly, “I really need sleep, especially with how much work I have on a daily basis.”

The whole time Akaashi spoke, Bokuto seemed to get more and more upset. Akaashi felt a little guilty, but before he could apologize, Bokuto smiled and spoke. “I'm sorry I've kept you up so late, Keiji. I could always sit in the living room until you fall asleep! So you can be fully asleep when I come to bed so I don't wake you!” Bokuto said, trying to come up with any ideas on how to help his beautiful fiancee.

Keiji smiled, as he leaned closer to Bokuto, kissing him lightly on the lips. A feathery kiss that Bokuto always enjoyed. “That would be great, Kou.” He said simply, as he crawled over to settle next to his finance, laying his head onto his chest. Bokuto smiled happily, like a puppy doing something good. He nuzzled against Akaashi, as he kissed his head.

Later on that night, as Akaashi got ready for bed, Bokuto was following him around like a puppy, asking if he could help with anything, or if he could get something for his lover.

“Can I help?”

“Kou, you've asked over 10 ten times if you could help me get ready, and I've said no every single time.” Akaashi turned to kiss Bokuto on the forehead. “I'm just going to bed, I'll be fine.”

“Mm..” Bokuto thought for a minute, before picking up his fiancee and climbing into bed with him.

“Kou? What are you doing?” He asked with a giggle, as he was basically suffocated into a cuddle session. “I'll cuddle you to sleep!” Bokuto said excitedly, burying his face into the nape of his neck. Akaashi sighed in defeated, knowing he wouldn't get through to Bokuto if he tried to protest. He turned toward his lover, as he buried his face into Bokuto's lovely chest. It was always like a pillow, Akaashi thought. Comforting and soft.

Akaashi soon realized he was drifting to sleep. The sound of Bo's soft breathing, and hearing his heartbeat had relaxed him enough to slumber.

Before he fully fell asleep, though, he heard his fiancee mumble a, “G'night Kaashi..I love you.”

Then, for the first time in over three months, he got 8 hours of sleep.

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