Thunderstorms with Asanoya

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The night was stormy, as well as gloomy. This would always dampen Nishinoya's mood, seeing as Asahi would keep him inside, incase of any rain to come their way.

Nishinoya, of course, was one to always go out in the rain, not caring if he got sick. While Asahi, being the worry wort he was, always wanted to make sure the more energetic one stayed as healthy as possible.

A little secret about Noya, he hates thunderstorms. They are loud, and can shake the ground with how loud they are. He may be loud, and a force of nature himself, but just thinking about the big storm against his small self, made him panicky.

This lead back to the two males on the couch, watching a show on the couch. It was one of Nishinoya's favorites, Dead Files. It was about this lady and her ability to talk to the dead, and her partner who was an ex detective. Noya enjoyed it because of the adventure and the excitement he felt when the two people got the same results of the creepy spirit.

Asahi, on the other hand, didn't enjoy it very much because of how scary it seemed, but watched it for Noya. God, the things he did for the smaller male.

Suddenly, there was a loud crack of thunder, making the peaceful atmosphere go to a fearful one. Noya suddenly went from next to Asahi, to in his lap, burying his face into the bigger males chest. “Noya?” Asahi asked, alarmed, as he held the other close. “Are you scared of thunder?”

The younger didn't answer, but he gripped tighter onto the other's shirt when he heard another rumble of thunder.

Asahi sighed, as he picked the smaller up and held onto him tightly, bringing him up to their shared bedroom. Noya made a small whimper, as he clutched onto his lover's shirt for dear life. Asahi wasn't used to this, especially with how confident his boyfriend always seemed to be.

Everyone has a weakness, I guess. Asahi thought, as he settled both of them down onto the bed, getting some of Noya's favorite blankets, and grabbing a book he would always read when Noya was upset or down about something that happened.

Noya finally looked up at his boyfriend, his eyes red, like he was about to cry. “What are you doing..?” He asked softly.

“I'm gunna make you feel better. You don't have to be scared of the thunder anymore, Noya. I'll be here to protect you.” Asahi said gently, as he wrapped his lover in a soft yellow blanket, as he opened to the book where they had left off last.

Noya had smiled, as he turned to Asahi and gave him a gentle kiss. “Thank you.. You'll always be my ace.”

This made Asahi snort, as he grabbed Noya's face and kissed it all over. “And you'll always be my libero, but for now you just need to sit here and get comfy.”

Asahi pulled Noya back into his lap, as he cuddled close. He cleared his throat, and started to read the book. Noya relaxed into Asahi's chest, as he listened to the taller male's soothing voice. He yawned, getting extremely sleepy at the sound the low thunder in the background, the sound of his boyfriend's heartbeat, and the way Asahi is reading with such a velvety voice. Maybe thunder wasn't so bad. If this is the time he got with his boyfriend when there was a thunderstorm, he would wish for a thousand more. 

After a short amount of time, Noya was snoring softly, and cuddled up to Asahi. Asahi soon followed, falling asleep to the thunder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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