Authors Note

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I have bad news.

My school blocked Wattpad and I don't know how to unblock it, I've tried to go on Wattpad and upload (especially during math's, because I don't like math's) but I couldn't, I even went to IT and asked what's wrong with my laptop and why I can't get onto Wattpad. The lady at the counter told me it was blocked, AFTER DELETING LIKE ALL OF MY EXTENTIONS! 

Also thank you guys SO MUCH for all the views, I checked and it said I was #56 on Malfoys. I have been writing a new fanfic on Word when at school but I might now be able to upload very often, much to the sadness of one of my besties from school, Chloe. I want to thank you guys for being so supportive and if any of you get bullied for liking Harry Potter so much, pick up a stick and say 'If you don't stop bullying me I'll Avada Kedavra you! Or get a face full of glitter, whichever comes first!' 

MY MOTTO IS 'Once a Potterhead, Always a Potterhead!'

(I am writing this while eating Skittles! AND FUN FACT: Benkinnersophobia - the fear of not getting a letter from Hogwarts on your 11th birthday! LOL)


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