Skipping stones

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I've always had to leaned to hear with skipping stones
Burst of sounds quickly being cut off
when the sound of the stone flies across the water
Hearing the smooth sound of the stone glazing across the clear crystal water, soaking in every word I can get
Then once the stone leaves the surface the world of sound cuts off leaving a silent movie playing.
I learn to watch the background actors and their movements
I learn the score of the soundtrack
I remember the sets and lighting
I memorize every detail of the movie keeping up with the script
Until the rock skims across the water does the movie play loud and clear
Jokes,arguments, pain, and happiness
all wrapped in sweet and butter words I sink in until I'm left trying to put together the movie that's not mine
But in the end it doesn't matter if the stone will always fly across the water barely breaking the surface
If I can be in the movie silent or not it doesn't matter if the dialogue can't be heard

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