Mother dearest and Father, Jean and ....

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Day 1

{Hello. My name is Ranboo, I am the end prince. I don't usually do these things but, as my dearest mother says, I must keep up with this to be the better prince.}

{Today was the day my little brother got his crown, Im happy for him, in a way. He did great, no awkward stares or...yelling. Better than mine actually. A bit jealous, but it isn't mine to begin with so of course I'm proud of him for stepping up a step for this royal hell. }

{I don't actually know what to write here, so I'll just ramble about things. So, here are my favorite things. }

favorite things:
I like the color Green, it's nice. My friends...well my friend's eyes are green. It's an odd thing for us but we are very happy to have him here
Rings, they are nice. I don't really have a special connection to them but they feel nice in the afternoon.

And right as ⍀⏃⋏⏚⍜⍜ (Ranboo) was going to write the next thing, his mother walked into the room, with a smug face.

"Hello my child." She says, with the most disgusting voice. Ranboo hated when she talked like that.
"Hello, mother." He said in response, not really enjoying her in his business, as if that could ever change. (Lmao loser hah)
"Get ready, we have a very special day tomorrow. Maybe bring a friend, or two." She says, rudely. She knew Ranboo only had 1 friend and she was making fun of him. What a mother.
"Yes mother.." He says, under his breath. Shaking slightly, he didn't know why. He never does this, why now?
"Well then, get ready. I'll be in the living room talking to your father." She stated. God...his father was a prick. Couldn't go without one day pointing out off ⍀⏃⋏⏚⍜⍜'s (Ranboo's) flaws. Ranboo disliked him at the least. So much.

The Ender Prince Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora