The festival

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Festival day

(just a quick note, there is blood mentioned and some gore so just a disclaimer!!)

{As the royal family and town got dressed for the festival, the mysterious person from earlier was also getting ready. Well, we can call them an assassin now, it's pretty obvious at this point.}

"...I'm having second thoughts... He's just a kid! Well kinda, but still! It's wrong, he hasn't done anything wrong. Therefore, it's wrong to get 'rid' of him." The assassin said to themselves, it was a hard job. But they managed. As the pointed the arrow to the chest of Micheal, they started shaking, god it felt horrible. But if they didn't so it then they would get in trouble.. But it was still wrong. Fuck.


The arrow pierced through the thick air, the assassin hid behind the object infront of them. Already knowing what will happen next.

A terrifying scream. Blood splattering all over the place, it was disgusting. The whole festival was a disaster after that.

{Ranboo pov from now on}

I gasped as I heard the arrow go through my very bestest friends heart, blood got on my suit. I quickly picked him up, I looked at his terrified but quiet face, I almost cried. I mean I did, it hurt like a bitch. We both were so confused and in pain, well, mostly Micheal.

After 'help' got there, Ranboo ran into his room and hid into his closet. He slowly started to cry, still trying to process what just happened. I mean, why wouldn't you be confused? Right before you get something you've always wanted, your best friend gets shot and almost dies. A coincidence? Maybe.

"what...the fuck.." He said under his breath, scared and crying. He was almost in as much pain as Micheal.  He slowly took off his crown and threw it out the closet, making the room shake with noise. It was overwhelming and Ranboo just started sobbing. It was a sad sight, but no one saw it. Right?

{Micheal Pov lmaoo}

My heart pounded as I screamed in pain. They weren't helping. They just tossed me into a silent room and shut the door. What pricks. I hate them. I hate royalty (except for Ranboo ofc). So much. They never help. Ever. I hate them. So fucking much.
"I'm gonna die....those mother....fuckers..." I said, my last breath. It felt, comforting. I miss Ranboo.

(390 words bois 😆😆 I like this chapter. Hope you did too! Bye byee)

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