Deaf Bakugou x Y/n

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(This entire chapter will be in Y/n's pov)

( They graduated Ua and are now heroes)

F/c = favorite color

H/c = hair color

Quirk: wolf

You can turn into a wolf by howling, the more you eat the more you grow in size as a wolf

I rushed into the hospital as i had just got a call from my doctor that my husband, Katsuki bakugou was in a almost murderous fight which resulted in him being admitted into the hospital. I walked into the front desk and said,¨ I'm here for katsuki bakugou¨, the woman looked at me with an attitude and said,¨ What's your relationship with the explosion hero¨, I did not have time for this but i answered,¨ I'm his wife/husband.¨ Her eyes widened and said,¨ Room 275, down the hall, up the stairs,2nd door on your left.¨ I thanked her and did exactly as she said, I turned into into the room and saw Katsuki lying down in bed, bleed from his head, bruises everywhere. He had an oxygen mask on, tears filled my eyes and I sat next to him. I hated seeing him in such a critical condition, he always over powers himself while battling villains, I've seen him in the hospital more times than i've seen villains in the jail.  I started crying thinking about it, i just, didn't want to lose him. The doctor walked in with a saddened look, I stood wiping my tears, i looked at him with pleading eyes,¨Hello, y/n. I have some unfortunate news, please stay silent as i say this. I know how much you love him and I know how much this will probably hurt you¨ I stayed silent as tears started falling again, ¨ He is not physically hurt¨ I was relieved,¨ but...¨ I looked at him, but? what did he mean by but? ¨ unfortunately, before being admitted, he created this huge blast with his quirk. He hurt himself and the villain. We ran tests and...¨, I looked at katsuki who was waking up, he held my hand and said,¨Honey¨ His voice was tired, I sat down and kissed on the hand. I looked at the doctor and gesture for the doctor to continue,¨Ẅe ran tests and Bakugou has lost his hearing, his blasts over the years have slowly gotten louder, and bigger. His blast today exploded his eardrums¨ I looked at Katsuki, He signed,¨Im sorry, darling¨ He knew. He knew what he was doing was  causing to lose his hearing, he knew and didn't tell me. we could've saved his hearing. I was hoping he would have realized that we are not at  UA anymore, recovery girl isn't going to help him before this but its to late. I started crying, i felt him pull me in and stroke my back. I looked at him and signed,¨ It's ok, weĺl get through this together¨ He was shocked, i think he had forgotten that my younger brother is deaf. I hugged him and not to tight, still crying. He hugged my back, i don't care whether he's deaf, it just matters that hes not dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2021 ⏰

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