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So you and Charlie was woke up by Adam saying come on we are here. Ok I waking up Charlie didn't wake up . You say hey sleepily head wake up. He say I am up so y'all get out of the limo and you and Connie get to the Girls Locker Rooms and there was another girl in there she says hey my name is Julie Gaffney you say My name is Arya Bombay and this is Connie Moreau she says well nice to meet y'all you say nice to meet you too. y'all get changed into y'all's hockey gear. And y'all get on the ice. So you and Connie are lined up with the Ducks. My Dad says tell me something about my kids.Mr. Tibbles Says this is Luis Mendoza from Miami Florida he's a real Speedster I mean I am talking 1.9 seconds. Connie says good looking skater. Avermen says very good looking skater what do you think Guy. Guy says Shut up up Avermen. (Guy elbows him and Avermen falls) the Mr. Tibbles says there is one minor problem (then Luis hits the side of the wall ) Mr. Tibbles says has a little trouble stopping. Goldberg says I say so. The the other kids from the other schools circle around Luis Luis stands up and takes his helmet off and says I almost had it that time.Goldberg, Fulton and Jesse started laughing. I skated over to Charlie on my way skating over to Charlie went over to Guy and Connie and Say hey Lovebirds and patted Guy and Connie's head. The Smiled at me.

Next part will either be tomorrow or tonight it takes me a long time to do some of the chapter.

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