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Thomas and Martha Wayne and their son, Bruce, have just walked out of a movie theater and are cutting through a back alley to catch a cab. After leaving the alley through the other end, Thomas hails a taxi and they make their way home. Upon arriving at the manor, they are greeted by their butler, Alfred pennyworth

"Welcome back, master Thomas, master Bruce, and mistress Martha. How was the movie"

Bruce replies "the special effects were a little cheesy, but it was pretty good"

Thomas adds "Bruce got a little scared towards the middle, but he toughed it out and didn't regret it. What an ending!"

"You know the manor has a private theater. Why didn't you just watch it in there" Alfred asks

"We wanted to feel like a normal family for once, al" Thomas says

"You ARE a normal family. You just have the most money in the world" alfred adds sarcastically

Bruce laughs

"bruce, it's time for you to get ready for bed" Martha says

"Aaww, can't I stay up a little longer" he complains

"No, sweetie. you need your rest"

"Ugh, fine. G'night"

"Goodnight Bruce"

The story of Bruce wayneWhere stories live. Discover now