Chapter 1

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30 years later, Bruce wakes up and sees his two sons already awake and in the kitchen.

"Morning Bruce." Says the adopted older one, dick "paper says Haley's circus is going back to Gotham. I might go check it out. Y'know, memories"

Bruce remembered when him and dick first met. He and his then girlfriend, now wife Silena Kyle were on a date when a horrific accident happened to dick's parents and he was left alone. So Bruce took dick under his wing.

"Morning dad. Want some eggs" said the biological younger one, damian.

"Of course I do"

"Fried or scrambled?"

"Fried on toast please, chef Damian"

"Comin' right up"

While Damian made the eggs Bruce used the time to text his parents

Bruce:hey guys. How's your first week in Italy been

Mom: great! We saw the leaning tower of Pisa, the colosseum, and got some original Italian pizza

Dad: gotta say, I prefer Gotham pizza

Bruce: fair enough. Should I tell the kids you said hi

Mom: of course

Bruce: got it. Talk to you later

"Order up" Damian says, handing Bruce the plate of eggs and toast

"Thanks. Gram and gramps say hi"

"Great. They enjoying Italy" dick asks

"That's what they say"

Then Selina walks out of her and Bruce's room

"Morning guys" she says

"Morning mom/Selina/dear" they all reply at once

"Ooh, do I smell eggs?" She asks "I'll have some scrambled"

"You got it"

After they had both finished their breakfast they made their way towards Wayne enterprises

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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