Extra Chapter: Rejecting burn black heart

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"The copyright of Zoey 101 characters and scenes do not own them, and I plan to add characters on fresh faces, but the plot series is being drama changed. You have known her as Quinn in the story; she is Blake's brother of Vince Blake. I would love the feedback helpful!"

Carmen faces the truth who thought insecure person secret need a best friend.

You broken-hearted our love gone removes rings bandages moving forward fresh unborn baby emotion washing away tears see Zoey feel comforting all the pain. I wouldn't say I liked the unprepared scandal sleeping another boy unprotected creation unborn night betray good person never see trust value melts ruined. If I saw Jacan sexy like him, willing innocent flirt summer vacation, someone would feel wanted to fall into betraying horrible bed way. She knew Malcolm hated dating her son become a problem hurt her stand-up accuse point agrees pushed button another boy speak word needed to feel loved at the time.

"The talk went south see upset!" Blunt Zoey

"We clear up, not ever getting back together." Sobbing Carmen

"What happened?" Question Zoey

"I did let my emotion into another boy night changed our relationship." Sobbing Carmen

"You always keep your level head on attraction thought comfortable in the relationship." Blunt Zoey

"The summer vacation dinner went south father talking bad on my character loss all confident in my relationship." Answer Carmen

"Who the boy cheat close friend of Logan?" Asked Zoey

"Jacan childhood best friend ruined years not longer talking term." Sobbing Carmen

"People make a mistake on craving emotion void hope Logan see through three chances." Mention Zoey

"I hope you will understand the unexpected about telling my best friend." Remind Carmen

"What is it?" Asked Zoey

"I am pregnant!" Answers Carmen

"How far along with the pregnancy?" Asked Zoey

The opening on pregnant to best friend each thought morning sickness and craving behind attitude meaning emotion out of control at times believe regret bully Quinn. When keeping up communication on parents update pregnant health many doctors visit possible single mom new reality.

"Will the father of baby part of life or not?" Asked Zoey

"Playboy not ready take care baby sign right away." Explains Carmen

"I am sorry you are going through pregnant alone!" Replied Zoey

"Sushi does not agree with the baby." Mummer Carmen

Carmen does throw up manages drink setting stomach between watches favorite shows eating popcorn.

"What do you think, a girl or boy?" Asked Zoey

"My instinct carries, little girl." Admit Carmen

"I am over match with Quinn." Mention Carmen

"There something Miss perfect hiding find out true color reveals one day." Answer Zoey

You can move on resenting better unborn young mothers who need lots of support with heart black heal focus mini family worth. I hope you can finish the junior year or transfer program to help get the diploma goal to support my single-family mom.

"The script on drama club tryout female lead role!" Said, Lola

"My acting days compete almost kissed, Reese!" Comment Zoey

"We watch roommate on open day theater with rose good luck." Answer Carmen

"I am tired need beauty rest." Mention Zoey

"Me too." Agrees Carmen

"Goodnight." Replied Lola

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