The thirty-third chapter

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(I had a small gay panic while making this picture! I simp for my own character and I just can't deal with it! It's Alex in his maid days! He is based on a stereotype gamer... I need help! But... I wonder how Garcello would look in this... No! Wait!)


Garcello pov.

My eyes opened up fully hearing the voice yell excitingly for some reason. The loud noise combined with a headache caused me to groan but I still opened my eyes. 

Was that all a dream?

Looking around the room I was laying in I feel the couch underneath me. Then I look towards the hall and there is Adam... He is looking at me with a small smile holding a glass of water and his other hand was slightly closed like he is holding something.

"I have some painkillers... Is your throat still soar?" He asks me walking closer. I click my tongue against the back of my mouth and feel that it isn't hurting anymore... Not only that but it's like nothing happened.

"No... But I am slightly thirsty..." I tell him my dry throat causing a slight crack in the voice making it more noticeable. He gives me two small tablets that seem to be painkillers and a glass of water.

"You don't have to take the painkillers unless you want to. If you have a headache only take one because it shouldn't be that bad." When he tells me this I smile at him putting one of the tablets in my mouth and swallow with all the water in the glass. I really was thirsty...

"Hey... Ummm... I feel like I should know you..." He tells me while I put the empty glass upside down on the floor with the leftover tablet on it. I look over at him inspecting his features since he was very different from the person I saved...

"I think we know each other... I feel like I have seen you beaten up before... In an alleyway?" I tell him making the last statement more of a question because I was unsure.

His eyes are ice cold blue... The eyes of the boy were green... His clothing style was almost the opposite... But the voice... 

"So it really is you... I should have known from the name being pretty strange but I didn't want to assume that..." He tells me rubbing the back of his neck. 

Wait... He is alive!!

"I... I thought you died..." I tell him almost pointing at him but decides that it's unnecessary and puts my hand back down. He smiles at me like he understood my confusion and worry for him.

"I can't tell you what happened without Alex being h-" He jumps when someone opens the door and heavy breathing is heard. I can see the backside of Colin running from the kitchen area to the door.

"Alex! What the fuck are you doing out of bed!" He yells at him sounding really worried... What is going on now?

"Garcello was hurting and I had to come over to answer the questions as a sorry..." Alex's voice rang through the apartment cutting off sometimes dragging in a breath like he had been running.

"Have you been running, Alex!?" I hear Adam sound really frustrated at Alex...

"I had to! The kids were out again and they are looking for me! I had to run!" He tells them his voice is shaking making me stand up to walk over to him as well. Y/N was standing there as well right by the doorframe of the kitchen. 

"Did they get to you? You aren't hurt are you?" Adam asks him changing his frustrated voice into a worried one instead. 

"They were able to give me a bruise on the back of my leg by throwing a stone but otherwise they were pretty kind to me!" He sounds like he is happy about that fact...

"Alex..." Y/N slowly walks to him putting a hand on his shoulder. "Was that where you got all those scars and bruises?" He continues.

"N-not all of them but some yeah..." He tells him slowly pausing for a long moment. He looks like he wants to say more... The little man sigh and looks down like he wanted to do something but just couldn't...

"I will tell you everything you need to know... I just need the lighter back. Do you have it, Garcello?" He says his voice dropping pretty low and he sounds more smooth? He sounds like he is 25...

"I do..." I tell him reaching into my pocket feeling the warmth of the scary object. My hand is shaking again from the thought of the pain that I went through from it...

"Thank you!" He snatched it from my hand quickly and smiled at me...

Then he opens the lighter! He then puts the thumb on the wheel and I feel like I have to stop him! My body can't move though and I am frightened of what will happen...

He flicks his thumb and I notice how it cuts his thumb slightly making it bleed... Did that happen when I- 

My thoughts are cut off when the purple flames show! Shit should I do anything!

He looks around his body and lights his fucking hair on fire!!! What the fuck!














His whole body quickly went in flames but then it quickly went away as well. It created a pretty big light and the shape was strangely familiar... Like I had seen this form on TV some long time ago...

Alex just stood there when the flames had disapeared and shaked his body then huffing. Was he... Adicted to the fire?

"Sorry about that... I just have to do so when someone puts the lighter on..." He tells us then he laughs slightly. His voice hasn't changed since he lowered it before.

"What... The... Fuck!" Y/N yells from the other side of the hallway where the kitchen and door outside was. I wanted to say something but couldn't muster it... What if he had actually died... 

"Like I said... Sorry..." Alex says again this time sounding kinda sad and looking off to the bedroom door.

"Listen... Alex... What are you?" I ask him walking closer to him since he walked back before putting himself on... Fire...

"I don't know... Honestly. All I know is that I used to be a hero... I used to be a great warior... I used to have a friend... I used to have a life..." He says not looking at me or anyone else, only continuing to look at the wall.

"I lost everything that day when my friend died from some bullshit dicease!" He says slightly louder. I can hear his voice shake a lot...

"Alex... Who was it?..." I hear Coling get closer to us putting a hand on Alex's shoulder then turning the boy to him. "Who died?" He coninued questioning him.

"Rex... He... Couldn't make it, Colin..." He tells him his voice shaking more now and tears seems to run down his face. He sniffles and Colin makes a shocked face that then turns into an understanding and worried face...

Colin hugs the tiny male and I can hear him sniffle slightly. Looking over to Adam he has his face turned to the other side with his hand over his mouth not looking too happy about this fact.

Who is Rex?... 


(I spent a lot of time on the picture so now you have your chapter angels. The maid part will be explained soon... YES! It is cannon! Alex maid is fucking cannon! I decide that now because I simp too hard for my own character!)

-----(Until the next chapter!)-----

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