floofy celesgiri oneshot

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i'm feeling fluffy and i just want these two bad biddies to get together already

feel free to skip if you want

also i'm very crappy at writing so don't expect much oops

the two girls sat next to each other on celestia's bed, a comfortable silence sitting between them. they had just come back from meeting the rest of class 78 at the park, and celeste had asked kyoko if she wanted to come round to her dorm for a while. not for any particular reason, she just ... wanted to see her.

actually, there was a reason, and as much as the gambler wanted to deny it, it still lurked over her uncomfortably. it was the same reason as to why celeste always felt her stomach flutter slightly when she saw the silver-haired girl. it was the same reason as to why a flicker of hope seemed to light up inside of her when she heard the news that kyoko identified as bi several months ago, and the same reason as to why she had always felt a little more fond of kyoko opposed to the rest of her classmates.

even now, as the detective sat on celestia's bed, leather jacket sitting just off her shoulders, that little flutter inside her was getting more and more apparent and more and more intolerable.

'can i braid your hair?' she blurted out suddenly, taking herself slightly by surprise. in all honesty, part of her had always wanted to braid kirigiri's hair. it just looked so long and soft to the touch, compared to celeste's boring, shoulder length hair that was too short to do much with. it was a shame really, since she loved getting her hair fiddled with, but the longer her hair got, the more complicated it was to put in her drills, and she wasn't going to give them up any time soon.

kyoko was slightly taken aback at the other girl's request, but nodded her head in response anyway. sure, she wore a small braid in the side of her hair most days, but she always did that herself. she hadn't realised how much she missed the gentle sensation of someone else's fingers running delicately through her hair until the offer was right in front of her.

'sure, i guess,' she mumbled, before moving to sit on the floor beside the bed, giving celestia full access to do whatever the hell she wanted to with her hair. kyoko didn't know why she found it so hard to say no to the girl, but something between them just made it ... impossible. well, she did know, but that was an issue for another day.

the girl in question got straight to business, starting the familiar process of a french braid. three chunks, right, left, right, grab a chunk, left, grab a chunk, right, etc. it was a process she had done many times in the past, but doing it on kyoko felt somewhat different to the other times. more .... exciting, maybe? yes, that had to be it. that would explain the way her fingers tingled under the touch of her soft, silver hair, wouldn't it?

she knew it wouldn't. there was no point in denying the actual reason for her feelings anymore, especially since she now knew about kirigiri's bisexuality. there was technically no reason why she couldn't just march up to kyoko one day, kiss her passionately on the lips, and tell her that she was the only person she had ever felt raw, true love for, but at the same time there was every reason. they had such a good thing going on at the minute, such a close and open friendship. celeste didn't want her stupid emotions to wreck that. so, for now at least, she would just have to push them to the side and continue platonically braiding kyoko's hair.

the first braid came to an end, and celestia finished it off with a small black ribbon before moving positions slightly to start the next one. kyoko quickly fell into a state of relaxation as the process restarted, having to hide the slight blush that was creeping onto her cheeks as the gambler's nimble fingers worked their way expertly through her hair. while she was fully aware of her ever growing feelings for the girl, they weren't something she would ever admit to. even though her and celeste were so close, even though celeste was perfectly comfortable dropping her fake french accent when she was around her, even though kyoko didn't even bother hiding her burnt hands when they were together, their love lives weren't something they ever discussed.

this could be good or bad. for all she knew, the reason celestia never informed her of any of her crushes could be because her true crush was the detective, but the chances of that being the truth were very, very slim, too slim for her to risk. and there was no point in denying that the most likely reason for celeste's privacy was the fact that she was, in general, a very private person. the same could be said for kyoko.

yet still, the more time the two spent together, the stronger kirigiri's crush became. she was fully aware that one day she would have to tell the gambler how she actually felt, and she was both excited and terrified for that day.

the second braid finally came to an end, and the moment celestia's fingers separated from kyoko's hair, she instantly missed them. she turned around to face the girl.

big mistake.

now all she could focus on was celeste's plump, red lips that seemed to have some kind of magnetic attraction to her own. no, she couldn't, there was no way the other girl liked her back, and there was so much to lose, and-

fuck it.

kyoko slowly but surely leaned closer and closer towards celestia, eventually pulling her in and allowing their lips to touch. the kiss was soft and gentle, but somehow managed to set off a million sparks inside her, making her feel a way she never had before. it was almost as though everything she had done so far in her life had only happened for this one moment, and in a way it had. if she had never become a detective, her previous goal in life, she would have never come to hope's peak, she would have never met celestia, and she wouldn't be doing this, right now. thank fuck for the police force.

eventually the two separated, the taste of celeste's cherry chapstick lingering on kirigiri's lips. the two locked eyes for a moment, both their cheeks flushed and a soft smile on each of their faces, before snapping back to reality and realising what had just happened. the gambler chuckled slightly.

'uh, does this mean we're, yano...' she started. she didn't need to finish, since kyoko understood instantly.

'um - i mean, if you want to...?'

'yeah,' the girl responded, unable to stop the smile appearing on her lips. 'i think i would.'

'then yeah, we are.' kyoko said. the detective, normally so cold and emotionless, suddenly burst out into tears and laughter. this moment, the one she had been so nervous about, had gone so perfectly that it felt almost like a dream. she jumped up from the floor, engulfing the gothic lolita in the biggest bear hug she had ever given anyone. celestia was grinning and laughing uncontrollably now. this unexpected wave of emotion had come crashing into her at full speed, and she had no clue how else to react other than just letting everything come out naturally.

a few minutes later, the girls' excitement had died down a little, but they were both still clinging onto each other like their lives depended on it.

'hey, kyoko?' celeste spoke suddenly, breaking their previous silence.


'is it okay if we don't tell the others about this just yet?'

'yeah,' the detective nodded, 'i'd rather wait a while for now,'

celeste smiled. 'thanks.'

the two spent the rest of the evening together, watching the same shit they normally did, but this time, something new and different was in the air around them. now, neither of them was hiding anything from the other, and they wouldn't have to ever again.

omfg this is not worth the amount of time it took to write this

i just love these two so much and wanted to dedicate a whole chapter to them so apologies if it's crap

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