Prologue Chapter

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"I still can't believe our mission here at the countryside is already over. It feels like we just got here yesterday," Ryan said as he and Dylan walked out of the school building and back to the camper. They had just finished teaching the little kids some basic lessons from the textbooks available in the school building. Dr. Noh offered to take over from there after noticing how tired the boys were.
"Yeah, I wouldn't mind staying here longer, honestly. I'm starting to like it here," replied Dylan.
"Seriously? I mean, don't get me wrong. I also like it here, but I'm starting to feel a little homesick."
Suddenly, they heard a loud bang! coming from the field nearby. The boys rushed toward the source of the sound. As it turned out, Tobot Adventure Y simply dropped a bunch of boulders he was holding. Upon seeing this, Ryan signed in relief, while Dylan tried his best to hold in his laughter. Then, they continued walking away.
"Y! Stop being so clumsy and move the boulders out of the way already!"
"C'mon, Kory! Don't just boss me around like that. You think it's so easy, huh? Then come do it yourself!"
After bickering with each other for a couple more minutes, Liam interfered and got them to re-focus on the task at hand. The elderly couple who owned the land came by after awhile. The grandpa congratulated Kory, Liam, and Tobots Y and K for their hard work. As a reward for helping them out, the grandma gave them a bag of snacks.
Back at the camper, Limo and Mr. Cook were packing up their personal belongings as well as those belonging to their sons. "Time really flies... I can't believe it's already time to go back to Daedo City," exclaimed Limo as he folded his last shirt before putting it in his baggage.
"Well, I'm just glad those bastards and their annoying robots were disposed of once and for all. Haha!"
"Sure, whatever you say. Let's now focus on packing up. We are leaving very soon after all."
Time passed by extremely quickly that day. Before they knew it, nighttime had already arrived. As the children went to bed later that night after dinner, Limo and Dr. Noh continued to pack the remaining belongings. They did not went to bed until they finished sorting out every single item in sight.
After a rough night's rest, everyone got up early the next morning and trudged outside to bid farewell to their TOBOT pilot friends who will be staying at the village—Paxton and Noah.
"Are you guys leaving already?" Noah mumbled softly with tears in his eyes. "Can't you just stay a little longer? Is it really that urgent?"
Paxton walked up and put his hand on Noah's head. "Noah, they have to go back home now. Their job here is done." He then turned toward the other pilots. "Remember, you guys are always welcome here. Feel free to come by and visit every once in awhile, okay?"
"Yes, we most definitely will," they all said.

As the TOBOTs drove off, Paxton and Noah continued waving until they were out of sight. And that marked the end of their countryside adventure; a new adventure had begun.


"Hey, look! Ryan, I see the TOBOT base right there! We're home!"
Sure enough, Kory was right. They had forgotten where they were after driving for awhile, but they were finally back home! Ryan happily got out of TOBOT Adventure X and rushed into the house, only to be disappointed to see no one inside. As everyone got inside, they realized that no one seemed to be home at the moment. Just as they were about to give up, they heard a group of people yell, "Surprise!!!"
"Welcome back home!"
"Dad!" The twins ran and gave Dr. Franklin Char a huge hug.
A surprise party was planned to welcome them back home. Everyone was grateful and extremely happy to be back. Mrs. Park really missed her daughter, Dolly. Since she had never been separated from her mother for that long, Mrs. Park was extremely worried. Nathan left soon after to see Timmy and his grandmother. Liam and his father told Franklin and the twins that they will be staying with Dr. Noh for now. After the heartwarming reunion and delicious feast, the twins trudged upstairs and immediately fell onto their beds.
"Ah... It feels so good to be back home," said Kory.
"Yeah... I am so exhausted. I still can't believe we have school tomorrow, though. Better sleep early so we can wake up and get to school on time," replied Ryan.
"Oh c'mon, Ryan! Why can't you go a single day without mentioning something school-related? Seriously!"
"Whatever, just go to sleep already."
Ryan then turned off the lights and both he and Kory fell asleep. Dr. Char came up to check up on them later that night.
"Good night, boys."

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