Chapter 1

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Dr. Franklin Char had already finished preparing breakfast for his sons, but Ryan and Kory were still not ready yet. It was already 6:30 A.M.! Although it was understandable that they were exhausted from the trip, Dr. Char did not want them to miss out on the first day of school so he decided to go check on them.
To no one's surprise, the twins were still in bed, trying their absolute best to go back to sleep. Franklin sighed and sternly told the boys to get up, reminding them that today was their first day of school. Upon hearing this, Ryan immediately woke up and rushed to get dressed. Kory continued trying to fall asleep, but grumpily got up after Dr. Char threatened to confiscate his devices for the week.
The ride to school comprised of an awkward silence, that is, until Kory broke the silence out of boredom.
"Man, I was hoping to have a break after coming back home, but school just had to ruin it for me."
"Stop complaining, Kory. It is not such a bad thing to deal with. Besides, getting an education is important for our future. We have to balance our lives as tobot pilots and students, you know," Ryan replied.
"Oh, here we go again! Don't try to play 'big brother' with me, Ryan! Dad is here so you can drop the act already! Why do you always have to rub that in my face?! I'm trying my best, you know!" Kory exclaimed angrily.
"I'm just stating facts!"
"Well, I don't need to hear them right now!"
Before their argument could escalate any further, Dr. Char interfered and separated them.
"You two cut it out! Ryan does present a good point. You must know your priorities and responsibilities. Being a tobot pilot should not become an excuse for you to slack off. I'm sure you will be able to rest during the weekends. Right now, both of you should focus on doing well and getting good grades in school."
"Yes, dad," Ryan and Kory responded soberly before getting out of Tobot Adventure X and walked into the school building of Daedo Elementary School.
The ringing bell signified the beginning of their class. The day transpired quite smoothly for the most part...except during their last class when Kory yawned unintentionally loud while the teacher was explaining the lesson. Since he was sitting in the front row, the teacher noticed and stopped talking. She became annoyed and glared at him. Realizing what he had done, Kory quickly covered his mouth in shame. The whole class became extremely tense as everyone looked at Kory. Thankfully, she regained her composure after a few moments and continued teaching her class.
After school, Kory was joined by Ryan and his friends. Dolly immediately used this opportunity to reproach Kory for his actions, saying, "You were really rude to the teacher, you know. What kind of person in their right mind would yawn in front of the teacher like that, huh?"
"Hey! For your information, it was an accident. It's not my fault that I yawned. I couldn't control it!"
"Whatever. You should still be careful of your actions. She did not seem happy about it at all, you know."
"Alright. Just shut up alr-"
"That's enough, Kory. Just get over it," Dylan interjected.
Right then, they saw Dr. Char driving up to the school in Tobot Adventure X. The twins quickly waved their friends good-bye before joining their dad in the car.

Surprisingly, the rest of the month passed by with no serious crimes taking place at all throughout Daedo City. If a crime were to take place, the police were able to handle them on their own without the tobots's assistance. Best of all, Diluk and the bikerbots were nowhere to be seen.
On the last day of the month, five of the tobot pilots—Ryan, Kory, Dylan, Nathan, and Dolly—gathered together for a brief discussion to discuss the current events in the TOBOT Base.
Nathan started by saying, "To be honest, I'm not complaining. Thanks to the decrease in crime rate, I am able to focus more on my studies and spend more time with Timmy. All I'm saying is that, I don't think this is a coincidence. Since the villains are still out there somewhere, we should be prepared for whatever it is they're planning."
"I agree with Nathan. We should have a patrolling schedule in order to keep an eye out for any suspicious activity that may be taking place in the city," Ryan replied.
For the next few hours, the tobot pilots and their tobots discussed their schedule and agreed on a suitable time frame for each pilot to patrol a certain section of the city. The meeting took them longer than expected. By the time they were done, the sun had already set.
"Oh, no! Mom's gonna kill me when I get back home. It's already sooo late," whined Dolly. "What am I supposed to do?"
"Just go home then. Don't waste your time whining about it here if that's the case."
"Dylan! Why can't you be more supportive of me? Humph."
"That's not what I meant!"
Suddenly, Dr. Char and Limo entered the room, ending the frustrating conversation. Nathan and Dolly left soon after, while Limo and Dylan stayed for dinner with the Char family that evening.


Meanwhile, chairman Wang and the rest of the tobots' enemies finally arrived at the primary headquarters of the company—gigantic high-tech buildings guarded by advanced robots. Diluk's jaw dropped. "Wow, this place looks intimidating already. I wonder who owns this place." At Diluk's foolish comment, chairman Wang rolled his eyes.
The huge front gate automatically opened in their presence, and they continued making their way inside. After walking through different hallways of the main building for what seemed like forever, they entered a huge barren room. Besides the tall plant in the corner, the only furniture seen was a fancy office desk with a mug of coffee and an open laptop on top of it. Behind the desk stood a tall muscular man in a lab coat. Chairman Wang and Mr. Holmes did their best not to flinch in fear, while Diluk and the bikerbots simply looked at him in confusion. He had his back turned towards them, but as soon as they came in, he turned around to face them with a twisted smile plastered on his face.
"Took you long enough..."

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