Ch.1 Pollen Pals

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It all started a week before Valentine's day.

The most romantic time of year for some, and a constant reminder that you can't be a happy couple without spending serpluss capital on your significant other.

This story starts in a particularly cliche way. In a car. In a school's parking lot. Right before class.

Adrian's POV

"We really should get going, you know before we're late."

The hot car seat stuck to the back of my shirt. God I hate Arizona.

"You know I can't start my day without breakfast." I said. "And that bitch Ms. Cowell won't let me eat in her class."

"You know I'm usually against calling women that word, but it does kinda suit her." said Sherry.
I turned away from my burrito for a second to look at her.

Sherry is the kind of girl everybody has a crush on. Long curly brown hair and dark eyes that can pierce your soul with a single glance.

You know the kind of girl who would be the love interest in any other story. Just not this one.

"Can I quote you on that; cause I'm sure she would love to hear what kind of praise her favorite student has for her."

She roles her eyes.

"Oh, please you know damn well she wouldn't believe you. Besides I've proven time and time again, that I can be a teacher's pet and call them out on their shit without them demoting me to regular student or worse" She makes a face. "delinquent kid."

"Yeah, I wish we had that in common. I think she still hates me for that time I told her to stop calling Heather by her dead name. Remind me, why hasn't she been fired yet." I say between bites.

"Because she's been with the school for thirty something years, and while the school can keep her from talking about her lord and savior Jesus Christ. It can't stop her from having a backwards way of thinking. Especially when it involves "unholy matters"."


"Damn it Adrian I told you we were going to be late." she said scowling.

I raised my hands in surrender. "Daddy, chill. That was the five minutes bell, we can still make it if we run."

I look down longingly at my meal. "We'll reconvene later."


After narrowly avoiding what was sure to be a lunch time date with detention for me and a stern talking to about avoiding bad influences for Sherry. We made it to our desks (the rough wooden surface no doubt a breeding ground for splinters) and took our seats.

The way we sit is very strategic. Sherry sits in front of me in all the classes we have together. That way if a teacher has to call on someone, they always see her before they see me, since most teachers are actively seeking her out anyways.

The sounds of students whispering (probably about that god awful Ms. Frizzle dress the teacher had on) filled the classroom.

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